Muqaddimah (call me Muck)

A truck driver probably saved my life by flashing his lights at me. Middle of the night in northwestern Ontario, truck coming in the opposite direction gives me multiple flashes. I know this means something’s up, so I lift off the gas and go on high alert. Up a small rise and partway into a curve, I see a HUGE bull

Sure, you head out from Thompson, MB to one of the many communities that are more than an hour away and let me know when your claim is verified. It’s not just the territories that have vast distances between points with any kind of services, let alone fast chargers. Thompson is just one example; check out the northern

Crazy Danielle has already called the plan “bizarrely impossible”, guarantees that it’ll NEVER WORK, and reminds us that only godless Commies try to tell people what to drive:

There is no one in the west that lives more than an hour from any large population centre.

I think they used the later model for the routine shots and swapped in various other ones for stunts. I remember, as a kid, watching to see which version was in use - round headlights generally meant action was coming!

This bill gets government out of their way to choose the path that is best for them

she personally doesn’t need someone else in the room

I don’t know what Andrew Tate says

So glad to see this place is back! For me, it was just the right combination of sex/celebrity/politics to keep me informed without hitting 17 different American sites. I didn’t realize how much I relied upon it until it went away. (Hmmm...someone should make a song about that.)

If these “experts” are “concerned” about the Cybertruck, then they should also be “concerned” about trucks like these

Yep, you have to get used to watching for anything that will reduce wind speed, as well as wind direction relative to the road. Anywhere wind is slowed, it will drop the snow it’s carrying. Changes in elevation, curves in the road, shelter belt trees in a farmyard - you learn to read them for drift-making potential.



If you can afford an EV and a house with a carport, especially in Europe, then you have the shillings to afford a full garage and heater.

can withstand baseballs thrown by all but the strongest high school freshmen

Yep, all of this. No matter how cautious a driver I am, there’s always those times where it’s a “fuck it, I’m just gonna have to go situation.

Why not just spring for a heated garage instead?

Here in Canada, tons of people used interior warmers when I was growing up. There was the odd fire from improperly installed units, or people who let garbage pile up next to the heater, but they were quite safe overall. I don’t hear much about people using these nowadays, probably due to remote start being so much

Well, holy shit. I haven’t thought about the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in one hell of a long time.

The vanity plate on that truck was perfect - RUSIRIS. (I’m assuming he was going for “are you serious?” - which would be awesome. If it was something boring like buddy’s name was Russ and his wife is Iris, it’s not funny at all, so I’m going with my interpretation.)