
the fact that i read an entire article about a celine dion concert is a testament to how funny and well written this was. thank you.

if it will make any of you feel any better you can insult him on his facebook page… i definitely felt a little better. he seems like the kind of egomaniac who would check it.

i was about to get all riled up about his comments before i remembered this is someone who gets punched in the head for a living.

i dont even know who chris bosh is.

agreed. the car almost looks like it’s suffered more from neglect than a crash.

can we get #sityourassdownbristol trending??

i am so happy for this article, i really thought i was just becoming a whiney new yorker in my 7th year here. the N/Q M/R lines are SOOO overcrowded in the mornings the last couple of months and trying to get home after work has been a nightmare at least 3 days out of the week ><

i was all about this until i saw the dog gets attacked during the trailer :/ eff this.