
I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.

Why I gotta wear more clothes than Jesus in Church tho.

My favorite single from her album, 1589, is definitely Welcome to New Yorick. Shake it Out, Damned Spot takes a close second.

I made a BIG DAMN MESS with the wand, but of course part of that is just “new wand I’m not used to.” But man, at the first sign of warmth and/or face oil, this shit just said “NOPE, I’M TRAVELLIN’, THOSE CHEEKS LOOK LIKE MIGHTY APPEALING REAL ESTATE.” Boooo.

I am 30 today. I’ve decided my birthday resolution is to be Helen Mirren.

I pictured this wedding happening at the Plaza Hotel to an all grown up Eloise

Also, if Cathy doesn’t have a job, and Mary couldn’t sign for her loans, who the shit is paying for this wedding? If it’s Mary, she should pony up and pay the loans of the irresponsible kid she raises, to spare her sister the consequences. I mean, my dad did a school project for me once in 4th grade when I was

A lot of students may not be able to get loans without a cosigner. I had to get a relative to co-sign for a loan towards my graduate school tuition. I had already been working a full time, salaried job for 4 years, had decent savings, had never been late to pay a bill or credit card, credit score in the 700s etc and

I can’t help but think that dear Cathy would be better off putting all her energy into getting a job rather than merging her life and finances with another underemployed person.

I’m so sorry. We just lost my Granny this year. I hope you and your family can spend time with her while you can, and that she has what my Granny would have called “a good death”. (Which is where you live as long as you can with the least amount of suffering and loss of quality of life and then you die peacefully.)

This is a very fine thing to add. I am so sorry for you and for your grandmother. ::hug::

I felt the same way myself about the Jezebel following.

I’m sorry about your grandmother’s illness. 60 is a huge milestone! It is wonderful that she has a faithful partner to help her through such a tough time.

I’m so sorry. That’s such a tough thing to go through. My grandparents would have been having their 60th this year, but my grandpa passed away last year. Everything still makes me think of him.

I wish you the best of luck, and I hope she makes a recovery - if not, I hope she passes in peace.

I’m really sorry to hear this. Hugs and love to you from an internet stranger.

Oh, you poor thing. That’s an absolutely horrible thing to go through. I lost my maternal grandmother five years ago this spring, and it was so hard. Like yours, my grandparents had had a 60th wedding anniversary, and when I was in my junior year of college she developed congestive heart failure. She pulled through

Oh, poor thing. How will she ever live on her trust fund and earnings from being pretty, thin, and from a rich family?

You know that whole “blood in the eye thing”? And my stupid trigger finger hit “place order” as I was refreshing!!! I never even saw the banner. Argh. Have to plot revenge...