
We have educational type games on iPad for him. His coordination and attention span for playing full on games isn’t there yet. He does enjoy any type of game with a focus in music and loves the bejesus out of Katamari Damacy and Rock Band. Other than that, if he comes in the living room while I’m playing something

I was just riffing on Kojima

Oh wow ok. Speaking of disappointments, I bought deus ex 2 and my old gpu couldn’t even run it because of some new rendering tech the game needed or some crap... So I go and buy the card I need. Problem is, I didn’t have AGP same as you, and opted for a pci x1 card. I had nooooo idea they performed so much worse. So,

There's a reason you had to look at your boobs to know your health. When it is revealed to you why, you will be ashamed 

Facebook reminds me every day how much of a dip shit I was at 25

I still have my copy, too!

Damn, voodoo3? Must have been nice. I don’t remember much of my old systems back then. I’m pretty sure I was running a pentium III when this game launched. I guess my expectations for the game were lower because I genuinely enjoyed the game despite how janky it was. I remember getting lost in one level with what to do

Meanwhile, I've been trying for two weeks solid to get my kid to even download Destiny 2. All she likes to do is play streets of rage with me and eat all the turkeys so I die. It's awesome you were able to connect like this and it's a super cute story Mike. My girlfriend's kid has ASD and he generally ignores any game

Fish sauce and oyster sauce is used in a ton of South East Asian dishes and makes it kinda tough for folks to be vegetarian and enjoy authentic tasting dishes. My bro who is a vegetarian just gave up on it and at least accepts he's gonna be eating trace amounts of fish in anything we eat. I'm gonna take a crack at

I traded in my 1st gen ps4 for the ps4 pro bundle and I was surprised it didn’t sound like A HIND D!?! achieving lift when I was playing Rdr2. I just thought it the improved gpu just ran better than the standard ps4 so needed less cooling. Pretty cool they improved on the design for this. 5ghz wifi support and it

I’ll buy Overwatch three more times if they make a support hero who uses a day old baguette as a melee weapon and heals allies by giving them donuts. Their ultimate would be them cooking thuk threy which creates a 10m sphere that repels the enemy. Give me my representation Blizzard

I’m hoping that the mini lesson we learned with Susie that some folks are misunderstood, and just wants friends and people that get them, so we ultimately we’re trying to go back in time and be Chara’s soul/ghost friend. And since this checks for a genocide run... Maybe that will eventually be how we connect to Chara

Oh boy. REmake was stupid Hard, and I can't imagine someone new to the series going through it haha. Good luck! Play on invisible enemy mode

No no no no, they’re not the “right” kind, they’re “one of the good ones”.

Should we have an adults and children bathroom then? Or just have a bathroom for creeps and non creeps. 

Ayy gender

He really just wants ethics in gaming journalism comment sections 

Definitely. Guess it went over my head as I've written 25 page papers on 10 lines of Shakespeare. Reading a paragraph that ultimately says one or two things is the norm. 

Thank you for the hot tips on how to better market my skills