Why is this a video?
Why is there no accompanying text to even indicate if this is a new report or something you’ve also written about? If the former, why? If the latter, why?
Why is this a video?
Why is there no accompanying text to even indicate if this is a new report or something you’ve also written about? If the former, why? If the latter, why?
Videos without accompanying text are almost as bad as slideshows.
I too really liked the scoreboard not having K/D and just focusing on fostering a team mindset. This is definitely a step backwards from what made the original so fresh and more welcoming than others in the genre
“Ridiculous, everyone knows that only MALES have the physical strength to be paladins or other tanky types, this game isn’t sexist it’s just REALISTIC!”
Yeah, I felt really awkward building my Mage. Why can’t we choose gender for most of the classes? There’s like two guys, and the rest are all girls. So I picked the Mage, and chose one of the four normal looking dresses. Game starts and she’s wearing some bright red mini dress. And she’s in heels. On a BEACH.…
They would have made it, but they had to pose with $70 in singles, a baggie full of weed, and a replica musket, and post it on social media.
A construction worker is not selling their body.
No, I meant that being a construction worker is equally selling your body. It’s the same as selling nudes. Being a computer programmr is also selling your body. To categorize labor differently based on sexual morals is ridiculous, that was my point.
Please shut up with this pearl-clutching nonsense. Minors are a small part of Twitch’s demographic, if you ever bothered to fact check this talking point. Additionally, making lewd or sexual content is as much selling your body as any job ever is. Get over your hangups, lewd Twitch streamers are still operating within…
That’s disgusting, what sites should I avoid to make sure I don’t see it?
That said, I play Mafia 3 so that I can murder racists.
You deserve more upvotes. You won the internet for today.
I loved Kingmaker, and I would’ve loved it even more if every single element of it had been reduced by about 30%.
I went to Mos Eisley. I did a business.
That’s what happens when your strength training regimen is limited to your joystick and fingers.
In these settings, keeping resemblence to the normal human form is usually important for avoiding cyber psychosis and loss of humanity.
That’s because you’re thinking like a cyborg and not Like a publisher hoping to sell a book about cyborgs to horny people.
I think it’s a reference to “The Green Ribbon”, a short story where a woman wears a ribbon around her neck for her entire life. At the end of the story it’s revealed that the ribbon is the only thing keeping her head attached. The idea being that that’s what’s happening with Axel and his shirt here.
This is where I managed to accidentally pause that trailer
The realism!