“Farwell’s friends told the Globe that he began having sex with the girl when she was 15—statutory rape under Massachusetts law.”
Rape culture, yes. Absolutely. But it’s also part of the general trend of police officers being petty bullies who prey upon society and believe themselves above the law. ACAB.
Te article explicitly states that they are attempting to have them all decertified.
I guess they will be eligible for pensions. I'm sure their union will try to make sure of that. Because they resigned and were not fired.
And men deny rape culture is real. Honestly, everyone should be a mandated reporter for rape and these men who knew should also face charges.
The in-between the lines reading leads me to believe Farwell was passing her around like some type of pimp to his boys. He started when she was 15, but is looks like the others joined in at later dates. Sickening behavior what should have them rotting in Walpole for decades...
Look at the fucking header picture, Count.
Read the article, dipshit.
yup and they could be working with kids again.
In fairness to Count Fuckula, he is clearly operating at an Andrew Tate reading level, there’s no way he’s capable of understanding an entire Jezebel article.
“Farwell’s friends told the Globe that he began having sex with the girl when she was 15—statutory rape under Massachusetts law.”
It scares me that because they’re resigning, not getting fired, and because a lot of the public details are vague (which is probably for the best, except), these assholes might end up getting jobs as cops in neighboring towns or states with no friction.
What the...these execs do realize that it’s not just incels who watch these “blockbusters,” don’t they???
You said he “also” had to lose weight, implying equivalence.
Some really Incel energy right here.
Several things.
Yeah I specifically remember it being his choice to gain muscle. Nobody batted an eye when Chris Pratt was overweight in the later seasons of Parks & Rec (which was also around the same timeframe he was offered these franchise roles) so like no I don’t think it was necessarily the same standards for him as it was for…
That super high waist looks like it’s just going to roll every time she sits down or bends over, and the bra/bodice thing looks like it’s held in place with double-sided tape and prayer. I get that ‘fashion’ isn’t always practical or comfortable, but those sacrifices are made in service of appearance. This dress in no…