This Might Be Satire

I’ve tried to switch to Apple - and honestly? It sucks.

Things “just work” on Apple stuff, but generally not in a way that (to me) makes sense or works well. And the limited ability to customize stuff on Apple’s OSes, makes me avoid them entirely.

Pretty sure the number of Android users jealous of their Apple-using friends is a very very small number globally. I’ve always been team Android. Never even considered getting locked into Apple’s ecosystem and limited hardware and software (especially from a configuration standpoint — I don’t generally work “the Apple

You really dont know what you are missing until you free yourself from Apple’s walled garden......

Grow up. Literally no one but psychos gives a fuck what the “legal name” of the gun is.

I’m not going to watch his video but it doesn’t surprise me at all that he doesn’t see it that way. Most people do the terrible things that they do because they think they’re the good guy.

I’m ALREADY using Android. Matter of fact, I’ve been Android since my first smartphone. I refuse to use any Apple product I don’t absolutely HAVE to. They’re made to be PITAs.

Contrarily, your comment sounds like an Apple user who’s jealous their Android using friends. 🤷‍♀️

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Metaverse.

Controversial YouTuber”

I think the house style guide should allow you to just say “Mega-Asshole” instead.

There are so many things in the world to be mad about or try to fight back against. It’s deeply sad that this pyscho is hung up on a children’s game.

According to the Kenosha News, Rittenhouse wants the assault rifle back so it can be destroyed.

I bet McGyver could probably help out, or maybe Col. Steve Austin, or those kooky guys in Airwolf. 

Today’s news brought to you by the letters A, C, A and B.

This town sounds like the premise to a Knight Rider episode.

It can be both. It’s a police problem. It’s also a government problem. It’s a perfect example of the (broken) mentality that every problem can be solved by making it something that police deal with.

This isn’t a police problem. This is a town government problem using police to do the dirty work. While the particular cops involved share the blame, if they didn’t do it the town government would still find those who would.

Well this is a good regular reminder that ACAB.

Police in the US have been out of control for a long, long time. This is just an extremely obvious example of it.

Boss Hogg never thought of civil forfeiture or the general lee and uncle Jesse’s farm would have been seized and sold at auction.