This Might Be Satire

Yes how dare we obsess with the ruling class of the country that has baked their racism into every law and establishment. 

“83 percent of Black parents support mask mandates, compared to 54 percent of white parents”

The 55% stat is from the 2020 election.

I did not vote for Trump either time. I would rather die.

Same.  When I see or hear these dipshits, I just want to punch them in the face. 

Dave Mathews Band listening party?

Look at Florida. DeSantis has people out here dying for whiteness and I’m fine with it

As a senior cis white male who hits this site several times a week to see if Michael Harriot has dropped some new wisdom — thanks, keep up the good work.

Maybe we need to clear up what white is: draw a line firmly in the sand, go “this is what American whiteness involves”, and have it be part of the writing style guides that govern reporting in this country. Because a large part of it is that too many fucking LOVE to parse out and selectively include/exclude/grace with

Is polka still a thing?

They are not invited to whatever the white version of The Cookout is.

Even more to the point: who gives a shit what people without a shred of bona fides in whatever subject is being mentioned have to say about it?

It’s hard to watch the news without being pissed that they’re not calling this kind of hands-off racism what it is — racism. “But we’re not doing it. We’re not racist!” Yeah, but you’re not calling it out either. That’s just as bad. A lie of omission is still being dishonest.

The last 500 years of white culture has been to deny and deflect criticism over atrocities committed all over the world. It’s baked into their language, their legends and the stories they tell children. To get them to look in the mirror is a monumental undertaking when all they’ve been told are Native Americans are

I don’t normally fuck with Michael’s articles because even though he’s justifiably pissed and eloquently coming after people and systems that rightfully deserve to be taken down, the tone doesn’t always sit well with me. That’s not a problem on him. That’s on me and anyone who sees this is well within their right to


So why don’t sports reporters ever ask Tom Brady for his thoughts on domestic terrorism or school shootings”

I am not a registered Democrat.  I decided that I really didn’t want a party affiliation because honestly I really can’t with either party, however as a black woman I donate to Democratic candidates and vote Democrat every single time.  I haven’t been wrong to do so because most Republican candidates have turned out

Looky I found the inbred whitey klan

This is exactly what white people can’t seem to wrap their brains around. If white people actually, legitimately tried to put themselves in the shoes of POC, it would be easier for them to accept and change. Unfortunately “the people” were too busy revising history to make them feel good. Hey but look on the bright