There are 1,200 positions that require Senate confirmation. Those 1,200 positions will be the ones needed to clean up the shit tracked into our democracy by Trump.
There are 1,200 positions that require Senate confirmation. Those 1,200 positions will be the ones needed to clean up the shit tracked into our democracy by Trump.
House Democratic Whip James Clyburn has suggested that the House could postpone sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate until after Biden’s first 100 days in office.
The security in DC has worked perfect from the cops’ perspective:
The Supersoft Party.
Awww man. That would have been the most watched on Youtube for a month. Colin would unwrap the WHOLE Wish a Motherfucker Would Payday Bar on that dipshit.
A lot of people have been talking about Trump possibly moving to Moscow and selling our state secrets. My response is always, the CIA/NSA whatever would whack him wherever in the world he was if he tried to do that. It’s not like we’re unacquainted with the notion of carrying out extrajudicial killings on foreign…
The police are in on it, people. Not that you don’t already know. All those white supremacist cops out there? They are ‘standing back and standing by.’
John Fetterman looks like he could kick all the asses and I wish he would.
Also for anyone else in recovery for substances, if you had a slip, don’t beat yourself up too much. Just reach out as soon as you can and find a meeting, SMART meetings are more my style if AA doesn’t speak to you :)
Dump should dragged out of the WH this very minute and arrested for sedition, treason, inciting a riot...the list goes on.
I’m watching CNN and I’m weeping, literally. This? For this corrupt, deranged criminal? Over a blatant obvious lie? For all these mendacious, greedy, racist motherfuckers? I honestly don’t know if we can come back from this.
Every last one of you fuckers can burn in hell.
Was seriously disappointed when I woke up and didn’t have an alert that said, “Trump arrested.”
Meanwhile, ANTIFA sits peacefully at home eating popcorn and wondering why they aren’t seeing these anarchists being beaten by police and the National Guard and teargassed to death for trespassing on federal property...
5 bucks Trump is sitting up there cackling about making these morons twist in the wind for his fat ass. Just bring in the goddamn National Guard already you fucking cretins...
this is fucking insane. Trump 100% incited an insurrection
WTF happened to LAW AND ORDER?
Looks like the kid gloves are being flung off Twitter wise
They would have shot dead when breaching the gate. But with out the support of white supremist who would wear buy those dumb blue lives matter bumper stickers?
this is fucking insane. Trump 100% incited a riot.