This Might Be Satire

I’m side-eyeing that cop. People barely look at the ground to check for dog shit they’re definitely not reflecting on the fact that the road they’re on was walked by enslaved people. The idea that the plaque is more powerful because slaves were often stepped on or whatever.

Yeah, I’m not sure myself on where it stands, but probably agree in leaning toward right. But I gotta say, this man is 74 and doing this shit, which is pretty cool. I fucking lost it when I saw his mugshot, because he looks 84.

I’m not the one who is going to say this man is 100% right or wrong. Though I sure am skewing right.

Dear God there is a lot of mayo up in those stands...

Fruit of the tainted Reagan tree. Besides, who do you think was the CIA chief fucking things up while Carter was in office?

**needs MORE STARS**

Someone on Twitter put it better than I could: White Voters Have The Power To Stop This Anytime They Want. We know they love this shit and it is funny as hell to watch them try and defend this asshole and his scumbag family. Every black American should tell all these crackers and anyone white you see to fuck off and

When is the appropriate time to bring up Kobe’s past? It will forever be “too soon” for some people and “old news” for some others. So where is that magic hour that people will actually want to talk about it?

THIS!!!! This man admitted he “may have raped” a girl and apologized for it. So, there’s no question about him being a rapist. But, people are outraged when anyone brings up the fact that he was a rapist. What is this? Are we saying that because someone can tell jokes, play ball or sing, it doesn’t matter if they’re

Fucking Oddjob.

When are we going to acknowledge her toxic supporters blamed black people for not voting for her after 2016 was over and done with (instead of the obvious issues of voter suppression that was actually at fault for limiting voting in key states like MI and WI)? When are we going to acknowledge that she allowed all of

Hillary Clinton calling anyone a ‘career politician’ whom ‘nobody likes’ is the single greatest example of the pot calling the kettle black that I’ve ever seen.

hey now, brown people don’t trust HRC either.

I wish we could FIRE all of them and start fresh,

Yeah I’ve never given much of a toss about the royals aside from a vague “yeah we could probably do without them” sort of thought.

You can’t believe it because you’re privileged enough not to have to deal with the actual issues that the people who are made to wear these sorts of uniforms in real life have to deal with, and you’re also not empathetic enough to understand the perspective of another fellow human being, and how such a thing might

But if nothing else I would file a complaint with the Bar.

Why do white supremacists never have chins or necks?