Mummy Under Your Bed

I'm with you, man. Fallout 4 is all I want to hear or read about. I'm going to be weeping tears of joy (probably) on Sunday at 10PM. I'm a grown ass man, but I haven't hyped myself up for a game like this since fucking Mortal Kombat 2 for Sega Genesis when I was 10.

Going to keep playing Elder Scrolls Online for PS4. Maybe at some point I'll get to play on the North American server!

When my gf and I first started dating around 2.5 years ago, she started up a new game of Skyrim on my PS3. Somehow she saved over my own 70-hour game. It was still early into the relationship, so I couldn't actually get too mad at her, so I just kind of sighed and said Fuck It and have barely played the game since. To

Please end this Earth or Kickstarter. I don't care which, just end it.

Somehow my family had a promo copy VHS of this when it came out. It really is an underappreciated genre gem. For me, it's one of those movies I can put on anytime and enjoy. Actually, this makes me think it would make a great double feature with The 'Burbs.

I probably won't be playing much, but I would like to keep on going with Guacamelee. It was one of the free games on PS+ and I've been having a great time with it. I borrowed Far Cry 4 from a coworker and played it last friday and only that one time. I just don't have it in me right now to devote time to another open

If you've got a Playstation, you have access to at least THIS program. I'm not aware of any OTHER shows. If you're on PS4, I dunno how you've avoided getting a notification on your system about new episodes of Powers.

I wish my PS4 would stop telling me I have a new episode of Powers available to watch.

Well, sure. But if you don't go to every showing and get your card hole-punched, you don't get your 24 free movie passes.

They finally read my letter. Castle Freak cocktails for all!

I've been to a 24 hour Groundhog Day marathon a couple times and it's the same rollercoaster as this Marvel marathon. Once you get to the third-to-last and second-to-last showings, the crowd participation starts building. And then on that final one, it's a deafening rock concert. I hope everyone can experience

The last season, or half of it at least, not being a courtroom drama was just a huge missed opportunity.

You've done it again, O'Neal.

I finished The Last of Us last night and I immediately started up a new game+. I don't know how far I'll get into it, but I might play other things and let TLOU settle for a bit. That game is a fucking experience.

So how many of those little billboards have already been torn off the thing they were installed on.

The Canon is fantastic. I've listened to a few others and nothing really interested me.


the MBMBaM and Adventure Zone podcasts sound like they could be fun to listen to, but unfortunately any potential is ruined by the voices and distinctly annoying cadence of all three McElroy brothers. No thanks.

"and seems to play up the breathless "Can you believe this??" incredulous tone more to add energy to cover up a lack of anything worthwhile or actually funny to say." Thank you, this is exactly what I was trying to say, in way more words than you did.

HDTGM is nearly unlistenable to me. My gf listens to it a lot and I'll hear bits and pieces. It seems like everyone is yelling and trying to get out their jokes as fast as possible, and much of what they say is delivered as if it's revelatory and has never been done or seen in a movie before; like they hype up the