Mummy Under Your Bed

I'll be moving the majority of big stuff out of my smelly bachelor pad this weekend, but I hope to have the TV and PS4 set back up soon to continue with THE LAST OF US. I had rented it on PS3 when it first came out and didn't get too far into it and didn't care for it. I started it back up on PS4 earlier this week and

A - Always. B- Be. S- Suing. Always be suing. ALWAYS be suing.

I watched that Dead Rising movie on Crackle this past weekend. After having to sit through an ad for their other original movie, The Throwaways, every commercial break (maybe about 7+ times), I think I've somehow been conditioned into thinking I might have to watch that too. Ya got me, Crackle!

I love A Field in England, but watching it on my home TV absolutely did not compare to watching it alone in a tiny theater. I kind of wonder how I would feel about it if my initial viewing wasn't as perfect as that. My lady was bored to tears when we watched it at home.

Agreed. It's not really minimalism, but he does some very clean, vector artwork.

When will minimalist TV/movie posters finally die.

I can't wrap my head around these opinions. I feel completely the opposite on all of them, save for Magic Mike which I haven't seen.

Is this gonna be on PS4? Edit - The Internet tells me it will be on PS4 this year. As well as Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, which seems like they might make a good double feature.

I'm going to continue wreaking havoc Grand Theft Auto 5. I had it on the PS3 and never beat it, just kind of gave it up for other games. Got it for PS4 last week and now I'm back into it. Every time I play it, I get blown away by the city the developers have built. The level of detail is just incredible.

Even just based on his comedy special on Netflix, I'd say they're dodging a bullet.

I bet whichever A.V. Club staffer screenshot'd their Netflix queue for this article must think they're pretty cool right now.

I bought a PS4 last night, so I'll be playing The Last of Us and the free PS+ games. Going to try to trade in my PS3 copies of Destiny, Battlefield 4 and GTAV and upgrade them to PS4 soon.

I thought it was a given that he would just show up as a random part in every episode.

Rich Black and the CMYs is still available, but if you're going to use it just please have some graphic design and printing winks and nods.

Blair-Thing isn't taken yet. I can put off starting a band for another 5 years.

What's so hard for the author to understand about the "Home Alone in a toy store" concept? The father and son get locked in the store overnight, some burglars come to rob it before Christmas and the father-son team set up booby traps with all the toys and shit.

I actually watched the movie about a month ago and that part was absolutely in the movie. If that's the scene that stuck with you over the years, you might want to give it a re-watch, just for Val Kilmer's hilariously bizarre performance.

Is his name really Jim James?

I can't take WGN seriously, just because I always associate it as some kind of local Chicago station that we somehow picked up in Ohio, and it would only play syndicated shows and sports. When news broke that WGN was going to be making their own shows, like Salem, I was very, very confused. It was only then that I

I dunno. Actually sometimes I DON'T jump to get the wand. Sometimes I'll stand on the specific plank of wood that the wand drops onto and wait to catch it.