
The fact Bitcoiners didn't make the bracket is a literal crime.

Well I mean I haven't *personally* clicked that link because it looks like a giant terrible malware trap, so there *is* always the possibility/hope springs eternal

"adult Pirate game" makes it almost sound like it's a game tie-in to the "Pirates" series of adult films, but I'm: a) not even sure how that would work, and b) 99.5% certain I would be disappointed if I thought that

Here's a simple counterargument: assuming a fairly efficient markets, resale potential is "baked in" to demand, and the lack of parallel sales streams (a la theatrical releases, etc) is "baked in" to the games' at-release price point.

New Orleans prior to the hurricane and confiscated firearms from gun owners when they needed them most as they were armed gangs roving around in the aftermath.

And I'm sure the rate of injuries from attempted murders and from accidental shootings outstrips the deaths from those as well. Doesn't change that you're bringing self-serving conjecture to a fact fight. And after I debunked your whole "inner city gangs" thing, even.

Honestly, even leaving aside suicides, I'm pretty sure the "vast majority of gun homicides are inner-city gangs" thing is pure bunk. While I'm sure most homicides happen in urban areas, that's because most Americans live in urban areas. On the other hand, a perusal of the FBI's gun statistics sort of defy the "gang

That company has sold over 60,000 rifles, and yet one only kid died

"uncompensated labor", then, if you will. Though whether one is hyperbolic or the other excessively euphemistic is arguably a matter of personal opinion more than anything else.

"Assault weapon" and "assault rifle" (for which selective fire options including automatic fire are implied) are two different terms with different meanings. Quit aping gun lobby propaganda by conflating the two.

Honestly, this definition of transmedia storytelling makes Star Wars, as it currently exists, sound like pretty much the most successful example of the same. Everyone is familiar with the movies, but there's also the Expanded Universe games and novelizations, which were written later, but were written to fill

I liked the movie, but the best thing about the movie is that it put the books on my radar, as the books are way better. Overall, the books had a much more meaningful point underpinning them, while the movie fell back to a stock RomCom plotline after it stopped following the book. Which in turn meant that the video

My recollection was that they DID say exactly that, with just a tad more emphasis on the fact that it required modding the game to access and that the content was cut and made inaccessible in the retail release (and thus, that it really SHOULDN'T have impacted the ESRB rating)

This. Despite the HBO opening, GoT isn't very steampunk at all. Some elements of the seafaring might be a BIT anachronistic, verging into mid-renaissance in Bravos, and there's the whole alchemy thing with wildfire, but that's it. And honestly, the whole issue with alchemy is that we treat it as an element of

Honestly, what I love most about this is that the artist did devote some effort to come up with "novel" takes on the characters; remaining very faithful to their depictions in the books, and drawing some minimal inspiration from the television casting, to be sure, but staying away from any direct translation of the

To answer #1, I think it's first worth noting that many of the rulers in question come from very old, very noble families in a bloodline-obsessed society, and simple entitlement is hardly an unrealistic motivation, and one that plays out somewhat differently between, say Renly and Stannis, or either of them and

I think this largely misses the point. There's a difference -though admittedly it's a somewhat fine line at the edges- between a fiction that depicts a misogynist setting, or where misogyny is a recurring theme, and a work that is itself, innately sexist.

I'm actually a little surprised that, as a psychotherapist, Chaud was so unprepared for the game to affect him in this way, especially given that he even drew the title from Freud; Countertransference is pretty widely regarded as an occupational hazard in the psychoanalytic model, which is why practicing

Because Joff being slapped never needs a reason, that's why.

It does. And frankly, "global" is almost fully implied by the word "pandemic", making the phrase somewhat like "ATM Machine" and "PIN Number".