
Lol Sophia is listening to the baseball game at the service. "Oh how sad….what a tragedy, what a tragedy….two outs, a man on second and that bagicalup Lasorda has him bunt!"

From the episode where Sophia gets hit by a baseball and she and Stan try to sue - Stan comes by and invites Dorothy and Sophia to go to the game.

Good point. It's a tribute to Bea Arthur's talent and professionalism.

Her exchanges with Stan are comedic gold. Especially considering how he had treated her, her sick burns are glorious.

Lol when Dorothy is having her moment explaining the murder and Sophia confesses she stole a whole place setting and Dorothy screams "NOT NOW, MA!" - I laugh just thinking of it.

More care went into the title of that episode than the entire run of "Friends."

Yeah even with Dorothy's Marge Simpson-esque gambling addiction, they had a backstory where she had had a problem with in the past and had seemingly got over it.

The writing of this show was very good, but it was the attention and respect these fine actors invested in the scripts and their characters that elevates it to a different plane. The timing and line readings were impeccable. There are only a few series that come close to matching the craft these women had mastered.

"Let’s call it somewhere in the Elliott Gould/Candice Bergen wing"

Yeah this is going to end well. This j a show whose host and fanbase think that Justin Timberlake is the world's greatest living performer. We're not talking sophisticated thinking here. Plus if you're looking for political humor, you're not watching this show.

John XXIII was, fwiw, an unapologetic cigarette smoker.

But we did get Jude Law winking at us in the credits. Swoon.

Like Monty Python's "The Bishop." "….But it was too late…"

He often had lighter problems. Foreshadowing!

Between the room full of stuffed animals (a stolen childhood?) and the alcohol problem, it was clear that behind the sweet disposition, Gutierrez had had a tough life. It befits Lenny's possible saint status that surrounded by sycophants, he picked a good, kind soul to be his friend.

This show is a close second, and may surpass, my favorite show "Breaking Bad", and I love them for the same reasons - protagonists who are complicated and unpredictably contemptible and sympathetic, serious philosophical questions and issues, flashes of humor. Both treat their audiences as intelligent and mature.

I was not a Jude Law fan when I started this but damn am I one now. This whole series needs Emmy. And the Golden Globe crowd will have a party in their pants about this series.

I hope HBO is in on it. This was done as some joint project with Sky, Canal, and I think an Italian network. I needs me some more Young Pope!

Right, down to the wide forehead and big eyes. His entire facial structure, in fact.

Esther gave birth to a ten-pound baby boy.