
A fair amount of people fail the bar exam. But none of them have become president. Check out the state emails that were released via FOIA requests. She's asking aides to find out what channel Homeland is on. She is incapable of finding out that basic information on her own. She is a stupid person.

That's not my point. She hooked up with Clinton in law school - a fact - and then stalked him back to Arkansas - another fact. It's her marriage to Clinton that has given her any reason for the rest of us to even know her. Maybe some day a husband will glom off his more famous wife's power. But that is gender neutral.

None of this has anything to do with her gender. Seriously if you think any person who couldn't pass the bar exam after three years at Yale has the abilities to achieve anything on their own, you are deluded.

Well, she does have a chief of staff. Not a joke. Google it.

Iron my shirt.

He's working with Roger Clinton as a Female Body Inspector.

I think that makes Chelsea "Atomic Dog."

Lol "I respect the institution."

That was her father's job.

I know! Calling out Hillary Clinton! Instituting whisper campaigns against women who accuse your husband of improper conduct! Oh wait, the last is okay if done by Hillary Clinton.

Some day I aspire to being blocked by Dady Soyle. Please tell me that Dumbledore was involved too.

Sasha is feistier. But I will be popping corn regardless of which sister humiliates her like their dad did her mom.

Oh I was referring to her stint as the "Making a Difference Correspondenent" for NBC for $600,000 a year. She had to show up a few times a year for that gig. Nice work indeed!

Please. She couldn't even pass the DC bar exam. She got the Senate seat by playing the wounded wife act and appealing to all the NY housewives who hate their husbands. She got State because Obama didn't want her sabotaging him in the Senate. Had she not mouth-polished the helmet of the right guy in law school, at best

Let's quit defining deviancy down and get some self-respect and realize we deserve better than either Trump (or Cruz, or Ryan) or Clinton.

Sure, as soon as I finish reading "Tim Kaine is Your Nice Dad."

The Clinton dynasty and the Bush dynasty.

She's our new Khaleesi!

Well she certainly has time, given the fact she hasn't really held a job in years and lives in a $10+ million apartment her mommy and daddy bought for her. Seriously we need to find other heroes. Does Bernie have any grandkids who can tweet?

As Jack Donaghy said on "30 Rock", I remember when Bravo ran operas. Bravo, Andy Cohen, for creating our society's televised dumpster fire.