
I clicked on this with some interest because anything mocking Brooklyn hipsters is okay by me (although it is getting a bit cliched.) Then I saw that rich lady with the show on Bravo (always an arbiter of high quality stuff) was involved, whose sitcom was all "my similarly rich friends go to Pilates and I like to eat

Is Jaye P Morgan around to joke about that being how she started out in show biz?

And in Gervais's defense - that's just how he is.

My favorite recurring character was this guy Larry from the show staff who would come out with an instrument - xylophone, piano- sing about how he was going to play it, and when he finally stopped singing and tried to play, the instrument would fall apart.

You know, for years Mike Myers drove the "my family is Scottish" crap to the ground. Then it was that his parents were Liverpudlian. He's even been saying his mother worked at Bletchley Palace during the war (which would have been in her mid-teens.) I'm not sure how much of this to believe.

(Martin Prince from the Simpsons voice) I brought this upon me.

Myers worships Peter Sellers so much, he extends it to Seller's legendary superciliousness to fans and colleagues.

Mike Myers is fine, so long as it's the Nightmare on Elm Street guy who kills "Tommy Maitland" as the audience cheers.

I don't think anyone involved in this show is as witty as this. Adjust expectations.

You know, by now I'd assume they'd be saying no to this guy. If he loves middle-class English tropes so much, why doesn't he marry one?

In a blistering retort, Noel told Liam that the brains he had went straight to his head.

Well, Howard banning Kim to the basement to review documents and then not even giving her a reprieve when she landed the Mesa Verde case from sheer hustle - f you, Howard.

They are *both* privileged women who were born on third base and act as if they hit a triple. Everyone should acknowledge that about *both* of them.

I love Hillary Clinton and when I grow up I'm going to marry her.

Citizens United.

Agreed. The problem is since Citizens United guys like Mercer can pump money into electoral politics without disclosure.

Do men have a complete misunderstanding about how periods work? Clinton hasn't had a period since her husband was president.

Was it because she was a woman, or was it because she was a woman who snickered with her wealthy donors about the "deplorables"?

Me llamo Tim Kayyyyiine!

That Emily chick from the Blurred Lines video. She's very thirsty.