
Yeah, the totally-not-racist Midwest men who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 but didn't vote or voted for Trump. Or which there is a significant amount of voters. Ted Koppel did a news story on these voters on CBS Sunday Morning. They said they didn't trust Clinton and felt she didn't care about them because she

Agreed but lol at how many times these people say "game changers" thinking it's some magic phrase.

Well for a start a progressive wouldn't try to keep poor children from attending her kids' school. Let's start there.

Ah yes, John Oliver. How did that "let's all call him Drumpf, tee hee hee" work out?

Take one Louise Mensch, add the "If Hillary won" Twitter account, stir in Tim Kaine fan fiction, and garnish with breathless chatter about Cory Booker in 2020. Have Neera Tanden in a "Resistance" t-shirt serve by candlelight.

Everything you said x1000.

"I once worked for Pol Pot…"

"I ran a luxury resort in a remote location once…."

They don't even really engage in the thin veil of Marxist identity politics anymore. They're all for "market-based solutions" like charter schools and private prisons and such. That's the third way promised by the DLC.

Curious how Bernie "losing the primary" resulted in Clinton losing the election.

Yeah it's all Bernie's fault, isn't it?

"Me llamo Tim Kayyyyaaaneee!"

Right? Because it's about *her.* Not you, the voters. Not what Clinton is going to do for you, but what you owe *her.* And using "her" as if she's the only "her" that matters…..Ugh. I occasionally saw something like "Stronger Together" associated with her campaign and that was an improvement but they didn't use it a

Conversely, there are campaigns that lose that weren't dysfunctional, just not well run. Like John Kerry's 2004 campaign. Some bad calls - eg letting Rove spin Kerry's Vietnam service as a weakness - but all in all there were no claims of dysfunctionality. But in contrast, this campaign seems downright dysfunctional.

The Double Down authors are coming out with a book later. The book being discussed in this article is by two other people.

She was a lot worse. They ran and won seats on their own. She ran as a famous person's husband and was given a cabinet position to prevent her from sabotaging the administration. She's more like George W Bush in that regard.

In another article I read on this book, there's a story about how they were able to convince Bernie Sanders to do a radio ad but when he got to the "I'm with her" line in the script, he balked because he thought it was the worst campaign slogan ever. Lol.

You know when I was a little kid I watched Family Feud as a window into the adult zeitgeist (Elizabeth Taylor is beautiful! Jimmy Carter is honest! Pepperoni is good on pizza!) Now it's nonsense like "What fruit do you resemble when you're naked?" Not at all educational.

To paraphrase my Jewish friends, he's a shonde for the straights.

I'll see your Jost and raise you a Che. Sexist, unfunny, and steps all over his script.