Multiple Entendre

They moved to PA for this last season.

Well it doesn't sound weird to me, as I studied Japanese for three years :). But English often has different rules for borrowed words, and as you say is a very flexible language. So it also doesn't bother me when people pluralize it.

In Japanese there is no pluralization, so if you are going by those standards then yes, however it is acceptable to pluralize in English of course.

I know she was in full zombie mode but I'm surprised she was that out of control, Liv and Major have been shown to be able to control it a bit, and she also just fed so no zombie hunger pains.

I thought that's how all DAs rolled these days?

And then the increasing frustration when you remember what's broken again, so that is relatable.

That is something I just realized reading the review. Even relatives of Sandpiper residents most likely won't see it at that hour!

Amazing. I prefer paper but since 99% of the time I read on my commute a Kindle is just way easier.

and also gave Sargent Wu pica!

Long John Silver sends his regards.

Or does it use every part of the wisent? (had to go to Wikipedia to find that one)

Now I want to start a "Tio Salamanca's Bell" gimmick account.

It was subtle, but Chuck had a little cough at one point in the flashback dinner (I think during the joke-telling). I think Jimmy showing up in town is what started his condition.

NIMH was one of my favorites as a child but honestly it should be rated at least PG cause it is TERRIFYING

It wasn't following them, they just got in its way. Maybe it likes to torture its followee a bit more?

I hear there's not even a waiting period if you buy one at a time machine show.

They managed to find a car that is almost more ugly than the Pontiac Aztec.

Skinner (or maybe Einstein?) did say he was terrorizing middle-aged Texans so he probably wasn't dancing all that well in reality.

They laughed at my name again.
