Multiple Entendre

It was so egregiously stupid that I thought for a second the AUSA intentionally did it just so they could arrest Lucca.

Maybe some kind of preservative? August's body was also in some strange colored fluid in Hap's tub.

He was. Hap asks him, how do you not get attached to your subjects? And the rival guy says he keeps a high turnover. I don't think that's as much a concern if they are animals. I think he said some other stuff to that makes it pretty clear they are both working on human subjects (I think Hap explicitly says human

While I'm glad they have placeholder reviews for non-reviewed shows now (something I think they should have started a long time ago) it does seem like the TV reviews are stretched a little thin here and there isn't as much coverage in general. It's gotta be pretty tough for these Netflix dumps though of 6-10 hours of

There's some subtle implication the FBI is aware or trying to infiltrate Hap's experiments (Rachel is spelled in Braille on the wall behind FBI counselor in one scene). Maybe they are trying to cover anything related to this up? (Hence no mention of the rival study and subjects to the outside world as far as we can

That's fair. They mostly all had shitty or absent parents, which is pretty reductive.

I definitely cared very little for Steve, even though they got a little empathy out of his anger issues and such, mostly he was just an asshole. I did like Buck though, and French.

I don't think she was making it up. There is a theory the books were a plant to discredit her (by the FBI counselor?). For example, they were pretty dense English texts, and she wouldn't have likely known much English writing before going blind.

The Wyatt character was being developed then Arnold uploaded that personality or parts of it into Dolores so she'd slaughter the town. Presumably Ford later edited Teddy's memories to make the slaughter fit the Union officer narrative, and forget it was Dolores.

Comment username synergy through the roof

I think they pulled it off here because Ash never really seemed to end up questioning his reality (until the very end which I think is a fake out). Just him plugging along enduring Baal's tricks.

I've heard it used this way frequently as well.

I'd hate to be the person assigned to try and evict them.

The breakfast food of choice for PUAs everywhere.

But apparently freezing fries is the way to get the best texture!

I've had pizza from a place where it was better cold the next day (amazing actually) and only so-so hot.

Thank you! Yes, it was Initial D all the way.

Someone on Steven Universe is an Initial D fan because this episode was a pitch perfect homage (parody?) down to the old junky car turning out to be an amazing racing vehicle, the downhill drifting racing to intense music, and the mid race dramatic conversations.

The liquid in steaks in the store is myoglobin, not blood. Blood is drained before the meat is butchered. Probably doesn't work as a substitute for vampires.

Raw steak has no blood in it… or very minuscule amounts.