Multiple Entendre

I like when real products are used if it's natural to the scene, not when it's being framed as an obvious ad. This was a great use of Coke, with the older can design and everything.

She said that and then removed her wig, showing a big dent, so it was easy to make a connection there (I too thought her accident was she was kicked by a horse).

This is like the inverse of that "godly marine calls out nefarious atheist professor" story.

When she was going to ask him out again and he complained about her sister calling and she stormed off… and he answered.

By that metric we shouldn't be following Selena either, as she is no longer the veep and hasn't been for a couple seasons.

Haha the 'comments'!

I like when Gavin left she got up and stood grinning by the tortoise.

I just assume she always is, even and especially if she's using the truth to do so.

Oh yeah there will definitely be serious repercussions to this and if Tatiana finds out it was him that'll probably be it for them.

I keep thinking of it as the drink (non-alcoholic drink exactly equivalent to a 'Shirley Temple' which is basically cherry soda, but of course they needed a masculine variation on the name)

Because it doesn't matter how smart you are, if you don't have proper facilities and equipment to contain the horrifying death virus, something will almost inevitably go wrong?

Why does he not simply eat all the other rezidents?


I'm pretty sure he used the same gun in previous seasons as well.

I also got the impression it was something that was just happening. I think ALIE said the reactors were just breaking down now (though I would've thought that would happen a lot sooner but anyway).

It was explained earlier that's why he had to be in that chamber: it's on a ley-line for him to absorb all the souls long distance. Presumably they all channel through the ley lines to the idol if it's there.

I thought it was naive (if in character) for Elizabeth to think the Centre wouldn't pull a stunt like that without telling them first. This was reinforced by the botched Gaad approach.

When I saw him I thought "Walter White in a production of Grease"

You forgot to say away again.