Multiple Entendre

Did not read the review, came here for the Nathan Rabin jokes, was not disappointed.

Yeah I think they are using it a shorthand for "smart". That or she just really liked those other subjects and studied them for fun. It definitely doesn't make much real world sense.

This was explained on the show, she became a cop to avenge her, I think parents, or father? I don't remember exactly. That was accomplished, so now she's free to go be a CSI. It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense but there you go.

This was my thought as well.

I was surprised they'd name-check another network's show so readily, but was happy for the Grimm shoutout.

From the book: Your digitized self is stored in a hard-to-destroy unit on your person. So there are two types of murder, the murder of the body you are in (inconvenient and still a crime, though not as bad as murder in real life) and destruction of that storage unit, which is a massively bigger crime.

Ah, this is true.

As rusteenh said, Hotline Miami was inspired by Drive so other way around. Hotline Miami is fantastic though.

I always preferred the S-MART ending (probably as that is the one I saw first and most often) but I would definitely like to see that movie.

It's owned by the deadites, that's why they won't relinquish the rights for the show.

The one thing I found suspicious was him having Propofol in his trunk as coming from a pharma vendor, drugs like that tend to be strictly regulated in medical facilities.

Person of Interest is better (after the first season). Depends somewhat on whether you like the subject matter though.

And how about Elsbeth? She always comes off as crazy and not to be taken seriously, but she never lost a case.

The Bankrupt Billionaires would be a great band name.

Looks like your attempt at a pun thread is dead and buried.

Sure it does. Just search for "Character Map" on the Start menu. I just did it on a Win 10 device so it's gonna be in previous versions too.

Oh yeah, it was very creepy, in a unique way. I read it in The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories, which I highly recommend (it covers weird fiction from the 19th century to the present).

I think he'll end up using it on the girl whose nose he fixed with the 'gold' earring.

I'm not going to defend football but there are tons of great beers here. Microbreweries abound and many of their beers can be found in supermarkets all over.

Because if you were allowed to be charged for the same crime multiple times there is no way in hell that wouldn't be abused by our justice system. At the very least to keep trying you on a crime until you relent and make a plea.