Multiple Entendre

That's…not what world building means.


I thought the episode was fine, and I liked the demon a lot, it was super creepy. Also some great, funny lines in this one ("Well, he can do that on his own time").

It was a Brooklyn Nine Nine joke ;)

Indeed! Also in Army of Darkness, the deadites somehow turn Sheila, then she is cured of being evil after Evil Ash dies, without explanation. So basically, magic, who cares.

I don't even know why we have the word 'who' if we aren't allowed to use it.

Nah the evil can get in you and turn you. Like with Ash's hand in the originals, or with his boss in this series.

This fits with what was show too, which was flies hovering around deadite mom every time there was a closeup of her, even though she looked normal.

West Allen sounds like an upscale furniture store.

It's also funny because it is not a particularly small city either, and with a historically fairly high crime rate, you wouldn't think they'd just have a tiny morgue.

It also used to have a high crime rate (car theft capital of the country, I think). That's been better lately though.

They really saw him coming.

Are they implants or just dentures with real teeth? She was talking very awkwardly like they were loose in her mouth.

Edith only thought Lucille wasn't his sister after she found out they were lovers (at which point things were going down quickly). It didn't cross her mind that they were both until Lucille corrected her.

I'm so happy this exists and they pulled it off. Army of Darkness was my favorite movie as a young teenager.

Yup, I watched them all, but AoD was the movie I watched over and over to the point of memorizing it.

It was sort of implied that one of Blaine's first customers was turned do to him sleeping with her, but it was not 100% confirmed.

Yeah, you are right, I'd forgotten about that earlier moment so that is pretty weird.

Ah, I forgot about that.

I think that was supposed to be her ID… She got carded for buying alcohol.