Multiple Entendre

Why not combine them?

Oh absolutely, and there is also a wrong and lazy way to use them (I intentionally tested it on the inside of my wrist where it would be more sensitive, and the low settings really are more of a weird tingle).

Actually I have an electrical training collar for my dog (who is part pit and can get into a very focused mode that isn't interrupted any other way). I've used the collar on myself and at the lower modes it is more a weird tickle. The very highest modes (which I don't use) it is more of a shock, but really not that

I also thought this, or that she was going to be a villain.

It me.

If you are bit but not killed, you get a fever and die around 24 - 48 hours later, then turn. This was firmly established in TWD. So presumably he died sometime after they left him and before his parents got home (that was totally their house at the end)

For sure! I think this is a perfect novel to be adapted to the big screen.

The novel definitely felt like an extended "What If" column. I enjoyed it a lot actually, but all the supporting characters were paper thin.

Fiore is good, but I live on the Eastside now so when we buy coffee it is usually Mercury. They have a really good Mexican chocolate mocha.

$500,000 Hugh Dancy-signed cock

If you went to Cinnabon, you are also doing it wrong.

The Toast, as well.

"Then grades mean nothing." Ding Ding Ding Ding!

1) On AV Club shows are graded against themselves, not against all shows.
2) Grades are subjective, and meaningless.
3) This season is bad.

Is… is this a parody account? Did you really just say people were fine living suppressed closeted lives? Also him not marrying the mother doesn't mean he has to abandon the kid.

Oh god I want to read those but the page background color is literally burning out my retinas.

Thanks! I submitted the other to read the instructions again as I didn't read close enough the first time :P. That can be ignored.

Off topic, not sure where to message you, just wanted to let you know I applied for access to the TI forum :).

We Peacock Stupid

Yeah and what ever happened to pepperoni corn nuts?