Multiple Entendre

Tim's Cascade chips have a Dill Pickle flavor, but they are regional to the PNW I think.

-Admiral Ackbar

That's annoyingly restrictive, and bad security practice to boot (ads are a potential malware vector). So even though Firefox plugins install to the user profile it won't let you add add-ons?

Check out uBlock (mu-block). It has been working better for me than ABP.

Don't throw those out! You could get a stew going!

THIS LINE. All I could think of was Oscar Bluth and Buster.

I wear no mask.

You SAY the peacock? That's INSANE.

Let's erect a giant totem pole made out of bodies in front of NBC's offices.

And likewise the other way, in the storm and when casting the spell. Eva Green is a beautiful woman, but she is great at twisting up her face and making it 'ugly' in those moments.

We just watched this yesterday after eating several amazing meals in Portland, OR, and so just made grilled cheese. However, one sandwich I made with a coating of Parmesan on the outside, and the other I tried a recommendation I'd heard of putting Mayo on the outside then grilling, which was also delicious.

Me too! I was so embarrassed when they essentially made fun of that.

It's a sport where you can't touch your Amazeballs with your hands.

Counterpoint: Give the Wachowskis ALL the money.

If you were a scifi nerd (which I am) then the themes and ideas in the Matrix were nothing new, but at the time it genuinely did blow the minds for a lot of mainstream viewers who weren't exposed to those concepts before.

Multiple Entendre!

The book was really really good, I'm liking the show a lot so far.

What censors? It's HBO.

Pretty sure he meant Billie Piper's first season accent.

Between this and Orphan Black it's a good time for scorpions.