This, Don actually did have talent and an ability to tell people just the right thing, but he has been coasting for a while now.
This, Don actually did have talent and an ability to tell people just the right thing, but he has been coasting for a while now.
To be fair, he didn't use the line Don recommended he use, which I could see actually working in this case, but for some reason tried the line Don used in his story. Learn to read the room Mathis!
Selina's "excuse me" was absolutely terrifying. Good on Gary for not just crumbling right there.
Aliens seem way less crazy than angels to me. Not Scientology aliens of course but the concept in general.
Fred on Angel was from Texas as well no?
There was an episode in an earlier season where they claimed Illinois law was changed to allow one-party consent for wiretapping. That may not be true in the real world, but in Good Wife-land that law was changed.
I was just wondering if she was British or something because her accent slipped a little in this episode in one line (I can't remember which one).
I, for one, would watch the hell out of that show.
I liked that they set up earlier that Boone likes to go for headshots (never know when they'll be wearing a vest) and that that was his downfall here.
To say nothing of the literal nightmares that product induced.
I liked it too.
And know you know, the rest of the story.
The grandmother in Jane the Virgin also exclusively speaks Spanish, although she understands English perfectly. However I think it is pretty clear in this show that it is a power play.
I also disagree with the statement that Patton Oswald groping Jonah was not funny cause it was fucking hilarious.
Also with the 'moment of silence' to buy time. So good.
He is posting on the experts reviews too so I'm not sure that's true (some of us experts just like to read what the newbies are saying too).
Yeah but why four+ episodes worth? I'd think an early screener of ep 1 or maybe 2 would accomplish the same thing.
This massive Polycount thread pretty much lionizes that style (and there is some really great art there):
I was gonna say…