Multiple Entendre

She OD'd on most of her pain meds then went for a swim.

I found out what they were when I saw Jeremy Clarkson eat one on one of his shows (I think it was a travel one not Top Gear) because of course he did.

Actually vacuum is a massive insulator so any heat generation would be a huge problem in space.

"You're ridiculous and men's rights is nothing"

The Hugo noms are decided by anyone who buys membership status to the cons. The whole point of why so many books are terrible this year is because these people gamed the system (not against the Hugo rules but against the spirit of them).

It is very good, as is the sequel.

"Cinnamon dough wrapped around soul-crushing despair. Extra frosting."

I'm seeing double! Four beemas!

Well, I think the show showed pretty clearly there was no going back for him really. He is known in the Wesen world, and he can either face Wesen with Grimm powers or without them, and in the latter case he'd probably end up dead pretty quick. Not saying that decision isn't hard on Juliette.

They do, I have a few on a shelf above me in my office right now.

This, I was thinking if your job security requires sending innocent people to jail, maybe you should find a new line of work.

If he legally changes his name, I'm sure he could get another degree re-issued.

Ah ok, that makes a little more sense. I don't have an XB One.

You have to be careful of rubbing things in Dikachu's face.

That is a very pregnant pause.

Evil Dead / Army of Darkness. Ok it is an evil infected hand not an evil replacement, but still.

It would be fun to see her dealing with becoming a zombie, so she can realize with Liv's been going through.


Can a 14 year old game on a console two generations behind really even be considered product placement at this point? Where did he find a copy of Halo for sale anyway? And how does Alicia have a still functional original Xbox laying around?

I've been playing Ori and the Blind Forest which has been great. I also just got Hotline Miami 2 since somehow I missed that was coming out already.