Multiple Entendre

Interesting, it was on the banner for me for about a week.

He isn't the hero the want, but the hero they need.

This episode was beautifully filmed. It felt like it could have been an episode of Louie.

I use Songza to find new music and Rdio as a streaming service.

Yeah you definitely have to fail a lot and then you get into the groove. I'm excited to play the sequel.

VI - IX for me, although I never really played VIII. Tactics however, I think will always be my favorite FF game (even though it doesn't really count as being in the main sequence).

*starts picking out block of wood and grindstone*

Better sweep her for mines.

No, he found a glitch in the Matriz, the Matrix's non-union Mexican equivalent.


I've got it! The virus is racist!

I think the minimum viable population for a species to survive and not have genetic problems is in the hundreds at least, if not thousands (I think it is something like 2000-3000). So they are pretty much screwed anyway, if it is just 3 people.

I hear there is some kind of liquid tincture available that can help you with that.

Me too! I'm super excited.

A dirtbike lap dance does not sound like a pleasant experience…

I didn't trust him for a second. I thought he was pretending to be asleep when Alicia was talking to him and was going to use what she said against her somehow!

Halfway is all I strive for.

I think he will need Proctor's resources to find Job. So he will have to work with him at least on a temporary basis.

Awesome. My wife doesn't like to watch scary movies in the theater. This is how we watched the Babadook too.

Frozen 2: Frosted Boogaloo