Multiple Entendre

Maybe the girl turns into a baby-serial killer?

Comment / avatar synergy.

Better Call Wash


I was half kidding, obviously there is a benefit to working through problems yourself. However, I think if you haven't solved it in 20 years, maybe it's time to just look up a solution :P.

I watched Army of Darkness so many times as a kid I pretty much had the whole thing memorized… probably still mostly do…

Sure, there is that aspect too, but also I just can't grow any facial hair to save my life, so I for one was impressed!

He certainly grows a better goatee than I ever could.

Avatar / comment synergy here.

Oh man I didn't even put together that no more classified Mail Robot documents means Martha may have substantially dropped in usefulness… are we headed to a Martha endgame soon?

I hope that is the case! But it would also be cool if it ended up on Netflix, maybe they could have a little more creative freedom to explore some of the ideas they wanted to on Nick.

I'm seeing double here! It can be four things!

Avatar / Korra fans: Dunno if this is the right place for this, and we all know how good online petitions work :P but anyway worth a shot:

It will be a bundled release with Half Life 3.

Oh man, I loved this move so much as a kid though. It is my movie that I would watch endlessly and drive my parents to insanity.

I think I turned it off halfway through or less from boredom.

And don't most of them run unopposed? I think there was a Last Week segment on that.

Soon she'll be the queen of TBS.

I think it's time for you to make a beeline for the exit.

I think her boyfriend (who did watch BB) got her into it, but she is enjoying it on its own. I will still keep hassling her to watch BB though cause it needs to happen.