Multiple Entendre

You forgot to say 'away' again.

The only thing I can think of is the post has been edited since we saw it.

My sister is watching BCS and hasn't seen BB yet. I told her she was crazy but there you go.

Are we really not doing 'Phrasing' anymore?

They did on Broad City on CC so I don't see why not here.

He totally Cyril Figgis'd that situation.

For me I think I played Duke Nukem 3d before Dark forces but it was similarly revolutionary.

I stopped watching after the original clown died, and haven't been able to muster the motivation to watch the rest.

It's funny that at the time of that article they figured it was a stealth ad campaign, when it actually ended up being the plot point of an episode (I guess it can be two things).

You could always come to the PNW… it does not suck balls and is currently 60 F and sunny.

Went to eat an amazing meal at a super fancy restaurant, bonus it was free (well "free", we got a gift certificate there from our realtor for buying a house so by free I mean super expensive).

His voice sounded like Larry Wilmore to me, but then it didn't look like him.

I haven't seen Parenthood but I did come to this article solely to see if someone posted 'her?' so take that as you will.

Yeah, but do you know how many upvotes you would've gotten if you firstied with just 'her?'

He flares up pretty randomly.

I think Banshee is actually set in an alternate universe where everyone has a little bit of that healing gene. All the characters seem pretty functional only one day after a brawl that would put a normal human in the hospital for a month.

Did she really need to run around looking for a mirror though? I read it backwards in the 1/2 second it was on the screen.

I personally enjoyed Caprica, after it found its groove a bit.

Um, BSG was a genuinely great show (even if you didn't like the ending).

This is 4 days old so you may know by now but I think I saw on one of their Instagrams that they were renewed for another season.