Multiple Entendre

Then you could have a trainwreck with actual trains.

No, no sitting on a throne of lies. What part of "no butt stuff" don't you understand?

Taco Bell Bell now and forever. It cracks me up every goddamn time.

Maybe he can transition out of it after the first season or so. I don't mind the Keep it 100 section but do agree the panel discussion does not have enough time, and I'd rather see that go on longer.

Ah, I didn't realize NV was so standalone. I really should play it.

I always just got the hell out of the first dungeon (I am still traumatized by those rat / bat noises) then would go from twon to town robbing the blacksmiths blind, getting in fights with guards, and parkouring up buildings (only to get slapped with a loitering fine).

Morrowind was the best TES game, followed by Daggerfall.

I always thought NV was an expansion to F3? (I never played it I know I'm horrible). Expansions usually don't count as a full new installment in the series.

So glad it got renewed! I hope now that Juliette defended herself against the manitcore, that she will see the usefulness of her new powers.

I was so glad that Battlefield 4 not only has colorblind mode, but accommodates different types.

Oh good, I thought you were just gonna let him dangle there.

They really took White flight seriously in those days.

I liked the porn video more than the magazine. It really sent up the source material.

"Works in Zero-G"

Ever since someone brought this up last episode, it's all I can think about now when I see the Pipeline (also who is feeding them? Also these guys are basically in permanent solitary with no exercise or reading material or anything.)


Only a half-goat half-man.


And why are the male love interests always ending up chopped up in a fridge?