Multiple Entendre

Everything else will just bottom out.

It can be two groups of idiots.

Ooh my middle school did the banning backpacks thing too in my last year there (they claimed it was for fire safety because bags cluttered up aisles.. what).

You do if it is some kind of great sword. Although then there is usually a dull part of the blade for gripping, or you wear some kind of protective gloves.

That's just cause he's used to everyone begging for his mother.

Upvoted cause I read this in Mads' voice.

I heard the Boner Academy just erected a new statue to honor it's flaccid members.

My dad is in his early 60s and games (as do I at 30). I don't think it'll change any time soon.

Yup this, I felt I was just a little too old to get into it, but it seems like lots of people in my peer group are huge fans.

I loved that game and finished it, but it was definitely unsettling and creepy in a way that media that is straight up horror fails to be.

The AV club should just make open threads for reviews on shows that aren't covered (cough Grimm). It's a no brainer… they will get a bunch of page views and don't even have to pay someone to review the episodes. And we all get a place to discuss shows without hijacking other threads.

Fantastic recap. And yet, I will continue to watch this silly show.

Yeah after Nola broke them and got glass lodged in his cheek. Then he had a look like "Ok, now you are actually pissing me off". So terrifying.

So great. Also funny, just before the fight my wife was like, I like that car, so of course they systematically destroy it over the course of the fight (such great choreography). Don't ever say you like something on Banshee it's probably getting destroyed in the next scene (RIP Nola).

This is why I add these things to my Netflix DVD queue immediately. Then in a year or whenever it finally comes to DVD I can go, "Wait, why did I add this to my queue again? What the hell is this anyway?"

Gob's not on board.

It was, in fact, explained in this very episode.

I think he was in the process of getting it removed, it looked a little mottled like it was partially worked on. He did say the lasering was taking longer than he anticipated.

Rude eh? Somebody call Hannibal.

Thank you for keeping Grimm discussion going!