Multiple Entendre

Which is why Star Wars is more space opera than sci-fi.

You're right, there is no way this will be War Horse good.

Between Dr Horrible and the musical Buffy episode we know Whedon has the chops to make a great one. Plus they already have a million movies planned, so why not?

I felt a great disturbance in the tumblrsphere, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in pleasure, and were suddenly silenced.

Do you have /?beta=true in the address bar? I do and I see the change. I think at one point I opted into the beta version so I could see community grades before they fully went live.

I like it on some things. Hey, it is a classical French sauce after all. And homemade mayonnaise / aiolis are fantastic.

1 in 5 people are a carrier for FXX, but don't display any symptoms at all.

You really buried the lede here regarding the fact that you can read with your eyes closed!

No, it's pronounced "throat warbler mangrove"

"Why does this keep happening to me?"

It's that stuff you use to dissolve paint right?

Know what word sounds funny? SCUBA. ….SCUBA

"You forgot to say 'away' again"

A dream that will come true, when you kidnap them and lock them in your basement.

overwhelming and growing

That is why god invented the Like and Flag

Too late, your new moniker will be "Lack of internal organs".

What does it say about us that my wife and I typically watch Hannibal while eating dinner?

"Lunacy" I see what you did there.

Just for this last season. They were all parts of a complicated Japanese meal (the titles I mean).