Multiple Entendre

Once it makes its way over here I hear that the cut that irony with baby powder.

My Japanese professor said he didn't mind that the word was mispronounced / appropriated by Americans since he was embarrassed the Japanese came up with the concept.

It is much, much improved over the first season.

My name is…

You called?

I like Grimm a lot, it has its flaws but is overall enjoyable.

Yeah, that is how I prefer them. A good quality bread, sliced, then grilled. I like panini style when there is more on the sandwich than just cheese.

Fried in butter on a cast iron skillet is really the way to go.

I Nefertiti saw this pun thread coming.

Awesome, I haven't even seen the movie yet but I ordered one.


And that the tickets would not be instantly sold out online, way before someone who was using a phone to try and buy them could get any.

Did you get that thing I sent you?

Never go with a Kirk Cameron to a second location.

I think because this was an "accident" not an accident that it was just set up that they'd be together.

Regarding why Kuvira wants to conquer Zaofu: I think they have mentioned before that Zaofu is rich in natural resources (not to mention the technology they have).

Yup VanderMeer is awesome. I still need to read the 3rd in this series, but I've read pretty much everything else he has written. City of Saints and Madmen is still my favorite.

I love QI so much. Perfect balance of learning interesting trivia and comedians going off on silly tangents while Stephen Fry makes a pained face.

Just chiming in several days late to voice my support for Grimm coverage. Wish they hadn't axed it officially.

I used to have a Hypercard game where you would build train tracks and could have the train run around them.