Multicultural Fruit Enthusiast

Animal Crossing fans, I covet your input.

Yeah, I feel like most of the milestones listed here (like walking up/down stairs with alternating feet) are closer to 2.5 rather than 3.  Counting has been a thing for our 3yo for over a year now.  I guess we just say 3 because it’s easier?

It’s only a dumb question because both questions are answered in the second paragraph of the article you’re commenting on.

Sorry, but as a developer, this does argument doesn’t hold water with me.  “New 3D assets”?  Yes, absolutely.  “Built from the ground up”?  No.  Outside of the extra seashells, heart containers, and chamber dungeons, all of the requirements are already in place.  Writing the story, creating the map, building the

Yes, we’re mad about it.  I don’t see how this isn’t murder.

Not sure if you even need to set a calendar appointment.  Their FAQ says they’re going to email you and remind you in 60 days.

Not sure if you even need to set a calendar appointment.  Their FAQ says they’re going to email you and remind you

These motherfuckers never met anyone named Kathryn?

Agree - whenever Lockjaw’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “Where’s Lockjaw?”

Ah, so the soldier thing was metaphorical, but his discharge was literal.

Can you go into that a little bit more? I just downloaded Crypt of the Necrodancer yesterday, and while it seems like a fun distraction of a game (especially for $4), I’m not sure it’s my cup of tea. BUT, if it gets “Zelda”ed up a bit, and some of the gameplay gets streamlined, I could see myself justifying a full

I think the stat you’re thinking of was for 2018's election - some idiot’s talking point was that Beto got so close to Cruz because of a wave of Californians who transplanted there in the last 2-4 years, but when an actual analysis was done on that stat, it was found that Beto won native Texans by a slight margin.

Yeah, I pointed that out in a couple of other replies after people called me out on my bullshit.  My numbers were off, but if the LA remake is just a reskinned port with no added content (and we already know that’s not true), then $60 for a 15-hour game is kinda weak.  I think there will be added content and value,

Apples and oranges - AAA games in 1993 are way different than AAA games in 2019. If anything, compare BotW with LA. They’ll retail for the same price, but which has the better value?

Look, I’m absolutely buying this day 1, but I am just hoping Nintendo justifies the purchase by adding a couple of dungeons or side

Yeah, I definitely shorted it, but as I said to another reply, puts this at 16 hours to beat. I put like 80 hours into Hollow Knight which I paid $10 for. I put 200 hours in BoW. I’m definitely buying the game, because LA is a pure nostalgia hit for me, I just want a really good value out of it.

I’ve played this so enough times I probably can’t realistically remember the effort needed to beat it. The last time I played it, I beat it in two days, but let’s say my estimates are off by a degree of 2, which to be fair they probably are. has LA at 16 hours to complete the DX version. I EASILY put

I think the biggest mystery surrounding this game is whether or not this is an e-shop title or a full-fledged retail offering.  The original LA can probably be beat by someone the first time in 8 or so hours.  For the seasoned vet, 3-5.  I’m really hoping this ends up being a good value for whatever the retail price

I’m absolutely not disappointed, but nothing really wowed me here, except maybe the Banjo-Kazooie reveal, and I don’t really even play Smash all that much anymore.

I’m worried that Link’s Awakening is going to be a 5-hour game with a full pricetag. I’m annoyed that yet again Pikmin 4 was a no-show, and maybe people

I have the same concern, mostly because I’ve played LA probably 7 or 8 times in my life.  I can cruise through it pretty quickly.  I hadn’t ever actually thought this was going to be a full-price retail game, but now I’m having my doubts.  I don’t really want to pay $60 for this, but LA is my favorite game of all

I really couldn’t ever get into Super Mario Run, and after about 20 minutes of play I don’t see myself getting into this one either. I’ve played 7 matches and placed in first every time... is that common? At any rate, just echoing everyone else’s sentiment - half the time I am playing all I can think of is “why am I