
I take issue with the author’s matter-of-fact assertion that whatever this Zak Arctander did is totally legal. There’s no way you can say the law is so easily stacked against the original photographer. Although, having the original author say here that the rip-off is legal and transformative, it makes it really hard

The writing style really bothers me. There are too many parentheticals.

I made the conscious choice to never use a gun in ME1. For most of the game, that worked great. You do have to use a sniper rifle in that one segment, for one instant, but as a scripted event, that didn’t count for me.

If James Cameron of today likes it for the same reason he likes James Cameron movies, I’m not sure this is a good thing.

Porn is often defined as being something that has no artistic merit and deliberately appeals to a “purient” interest.

If a piece has worth simply because it attracts vitriolic comments, then there are some true artists hanging out on the Gawker/Jezebel forums. Some people can attract dozens, possibly even hundreds of angry, aggressive comments merely by writing a single-sentence post feigning extreme ignorance or insensitivity to the

There is no way to assume that just because this woman was a member of the FUC, that she was really good friends with everyone in the FUC or that everyone in the FUC was greatly and personally affected by her death.

Freedom of Speech also means the freedom not to speak.

It’s hard to deny that the pacing can give a person whiplash.

The whole thing seems like a mess to me (conceptual mess, not moral).

The Duggars also failed to mention that they were investigated by the Department of Human Services, and perhaps most interestingly, InTouch interviewed Joe Hutchens, the former police officer assigned to Josh’s case who is currently serving a 56-year prison sentence for child pornography.

And unless he’s going to get some kind of divorce — which seems like it would be difficult, given that he’d have to file paperwork with the Empire to legal dissolve his union, and he’s a wanted man and all — maybe he was married during Empire Strikes Back, too?!

That’s what I mean when I say that anything that is solely a First Amendment activity cannot be considered retaliatory. Clearly, just saying that was not enough to convey my point to you, which is why I said it would take a couple paragraphs to explain why that complaint was wrong. But it’s wrong, and I believe we’re

As you quote:

There’s a part of Kafka’s “The Trial” that reminds me of this. One of the bits of advice the main character gets is that, even if he could change the corrupt, inefficient, non-nonsensical system, he can’t change it for himself. Future defendants could benefit from his activism, but he would pay a grave personal price

Four words: Foreign. Corrupt. Practices. Act.

I don’t think so. First, almost all Gubernatorial races have primaries too, so they have no more cause to say “the candidate” or “the opponent” for a candidate for governor than for President. Also, even if candidates are nominally declared for governor in most states, the campaigns aren’t super-active right now. The

Yeah, but women can party in rock, and in pop.

I recall for the last two years, some dude has been putting together a mix showing how virtually every top Country song of the year is basically the same - get your best girl in your truck, with a couple of beers, down by the river, on an old dirt road, etc.

Easy answer: it’s Hillary.