Montana Matt

No, shes still running.

So hard.

That movie is totally going to bomb, right?

The left half of his face slowly became paralyzed over the course of the next two years.

His face isn’t wrinkled on that side because it’s paralyzed...

“So if you had a dysfunctional home life 20 years ago and someone called police,”

Uh, what exactly do you think this means?

Thanks, missed that the first time you linked it.

Do people not read Gideon's Trumpet anymore? Because you straight up sound like you think rapists don't deserve any right to representation.

Then you should never step foot in a prosecutor’s office that deals with child sex crimes either. I’ve walked through the office of a guy who spent 25 years putting child sex criminals behind bars, and he had a good dozen child rapist jokes printed out scattered around his office. It’s not at all he thought this stuff

Jesus Christ. Hillary Derangement Syndrome has infiltrated every corner of the internet. Even my mom, who only recently mastered the art of emailing, asked me yesterday if I’d heard the rumor about the Clintons being cocaine fiends. God, I can’t wait until this election’s over.

Well, it’s part of being an attorney. She didn’t want the case, but she wanted to help someone out. Once she got in and accepted, then, she’s on the hook, whether she likes it or not. This is a part of our justice system. I’m not sure why you don’t understand this, but it really is.

Dude it’s pretty fucking clear that she’s not laughing about getting the guy off of his charges. If that’s what you’re hearing from the audio, it likely says more about you than it does about Hillary Clinton.

This has been entirely debunked. She absolutely didn’t want to take the case. And she DIDN’T GET HIM EXONERATED. He went to jail. She plea bargained it down.

I’m also a lawyer. If I am assigned a case/asked to take one by the judge and prosecutor, I am legally obligated to try to give my client a fair defense. I can’t just say “hey, I think he’s a liar.”
I have to keep the system honest. It’s better for 9 guilty people to go free than 1 to lose their life or liberty at the

There’s really no hard evidence that Hillary has been awful to the women Bill had affairs with. She’s called them some names (mostly in private), but other than that - it’s a pretty baseless talking point. And saying they don’t believe in transparency is a stretch too. She’s released 30 something years of tax returns

What’s true? That there were a ton of “-gate” scandals aimed at the Clintons? Sure. That there was ever any basis in reality for any of them? Not really.

“She is the living embodiment of everything people hate about politics.”

You would sue Amazon?

Why? I’m embracing it! Having more vehicles on the road acting predictably when the driver isn’t interested enough or cares enough to use a turn signal just makes my life as a motorcyclist/car enthusiast all the more enjoyable.