Nothing. Zero things have happened to you. Trump activists were born and raised in an anti-empathy-producing-event bubble.
Nothing. Zero things have happened to you. Trump activists were born and raised in an anti-empathy-producing-event bubble.
According to state law, blowjobs are illegal in Georgia. You going to stan for that, too?
Wait, we’re applauding the guy who apparently overserved a couple and then called the cops on them because he didn’t like the tip?
You know Ruffalo’s a 9/11 Truther, right? Not a deal breaker for a lot of people, but. . . oof.
Ruffalo’s a 9/11 truther, if that makes a difference.
Funny thing is, the only state in America who by majority know what 12/7 was? They have literally zero problem serving Japanese people or Japanese nationals. For obvious (demographic) reasons.
Serious question: Why can’t the proprietor just ask the racist ass-clown to not return. “Sir, I’m sorry that our values and yours don’t match. I’m sure that another vendor would be more to your liking. Please have a nice day...” I get it—you depend on customers for your livelihood. But these people will never learn…
Hey, Peanut Lady - a dislike is not an allergy. I don’t like squash. I have an allergy to crustaceans.
I think the Papa John’s raw topping people were getting them confused with Papa Murphy’s. For a while there, there were no Papa John’s in areas of the Northeast, but there were Papa Murphy’s. When I moved west, I got confused about this myself. I never made the mistake the couple made though, since I like real pizza…
Excuse me, but I’m allergic to peanut allergy stories. Please wipe down this kitchenette post and bring me a peanut allergy story with no peanuts in it.
The old immigrant/new immigrant thing OMG, how many ridings have first-gen immigrants running as Conservatives. I want to yell HARPER HATES YOU WHY ARE YOU HELPING THAT CHILDREN OF THE CORN ASSWIPE at them.
People that stupid don’t know what happened on 12/7.
I’m proud to say my grandfather is a changed man now, after years of me gently saying “Opa, no, that’s not how that works...”
I have a four year old. If you tell him not to touch something because it is hot, he doesn’t touch it. He never has touched something after being warned it is hot. This is an instruction simple enough for a four year old. Why do adults have so much trouble with it?
clean as fuck
Man nothing ruins an old racists day like being nice to someone. I work in a bakery in an area with a large middle eastern/indian population. Because of this, we have little displays for non-cracker ass holiday events like little eid al-fitr cakes and a nice spread for diwali. EVERYTIME while we get a slew of happy…
The 9/11 lady needs a punch in the taco. Fuck her in every way possible.
If the referee had been armed this never would’ve happened.