Montana Matt

You can just shorten that to Canadian, and you’re pretty well covered.

Really less a question of precision and more ‘basic adherence to reality’. I admire your generosity. 

I’m as gung-ho as anyone to see him gone, but come on: Trump was not “ousted out of office” by the House vote. He was essentially indicted, if you need to rephrase it for some reason. Can we please speak with precision about this? There is already a disturbingly large contingent of people who don’t understand how

Don’t try to buy this? Then what are all of my sharks supposed to wear Andrew? Hats like some common pigeon?!? 

Oh... I didn’t know filing jointly meant you added the incomes together. The phrase “Married individuals” made me think the brackets were for each individual filing a joint application. Not married so I never had to give it much thought. Thanks!

I had this whole “well actually” thing typed out, but checked my math and if my wife and I were single our combined tax burden would be about $1,000 (3.5%) higher than it is as a married couple.

what numbers are you plugging in to see a large difference? I tried quite a few, but I could have my math wrong.

Indeed. I read a related story re a POC postman on LI seeing a noose in a Halloween display (it had held a skeleton that was removed due to wind) and informing the homeowner that it made him feel unsafe and why. Homeowner was understanding and took it down told postman to “get over it, no one has been lynched in 100

Yeah, Spiegelman is only the son of a Holocaust survivor and the author of one of the most important and definitive books ever written about the Nazis’ bigotry toward minorities. He couldn’t possibly more know about Hitler than Jeremiah From the Internet.

Honestly, he’s more of a wannabe Mussolini.

He wasn’t comparing him to Hitler, he was comparing him to the Red Skull.

If you want an apolitical essay, don’t ask Art Spiegelman to write it. After all, his most famous work is a story about the Holocaust and we’re currently living in an era where the United States is holding people in concentration camps, so fuck off.

2020 is filling me with major excitement (and dread, but that’s a whole other subject).

Yeah Greenwald is definitely not a lefty, or if he is, he’s of the “We must preserve the welfare state by rejecting the great unwashed brown masses” kind of lefty, of which there are sadly quite a lot. I hadn’t seen that last paragraph before but it’s complete shit. Study after study after study show that immigrants

Any mention of Tom Tancredo always reminds me of Glenn Greenwald’s 2005 blog post where he sounds an awful lot like Trump:

Tyler Q. Houlton’s a snake. He’s done nothing but work in Republican press shops his entire career, first for Tom Tancredo and then later for the GOP, then moved to DHS where he kept up his partisan attacks on Dems despite working for us, the taxpayers. Fuck him and fuck every one of the agency spokespeople willing to

HAHA SNL is not funny! Like my status please!

Not every skit needs to make a statement, it’s okay for them to just be funny.

So is your comment, so I guess we’re even?

I did not see that coming.