Montana Matt

You can just shorten that to Canadian, and you’re pretty well covered.

Oh... I didn’t know filing jointly meant you added the incomes together. The phrase “Married individuals” made me think the brackets were for each individual filing a joint application. Not married so I never had to give it much thought. Thanks!

I had this whole “well actually” thing typed out, but checked my math and if my wife and I were single our combined tax burden would be about $1,000 (3.5%) higher than it is as a married couple.

what numbers are you plugging in to see a large difference? I tried quite a few, but I could have my math wrong.

Indeed. I read a related story re a POC postman on LI seeing a noose in a Halloween display (it had held a skeleton that was removed due to wind) and informing the homeowner that it made him feel unsafe and why. Homeowner was understanding and took it down told postman to “get over it, no one has been lynched in 100

Boulder resident here...very few minorities in the city, except for a chunk of college students, but we’re a pretty lefty friendly place and the cops don’t have a horrendous rep, so run ins like this aren’t the norm.

Cuomo is too small and squishy to block anything

Cuomo runs the subway. DeBlasio is a tool, but not in this area.

Not just on of Marvel’s best books -- it’s one of the best books on the stands, period.

Its almost like the Director of this film was connected to The Last Stand. Wait... I’m being told he wrote the film... well god damn it...

Lawrence’s role as Mystique has always been weird. They actually lucked out because they cast her seemingly minutes before she became a megastar, but because she was became a Supernova, they had to keep using her, even though her character was A) A Bad guy and B) Never interesting enough a bad guy to be the focus of

I’m pretty sure you’re the tomato troll, but I’m gonna star this anyway because it’s pretty great.

You’re shooting yourself in the foot here, but I do appreciate the effort to dig deep and find something to vaguely support your argument. But that bill never even got tabled in the Senate, let alone became law...

If Jeffries is a centrist then the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party is fucking tiny, and by definition should not hold much power.

Yes, like the ludicrous claim that Crowley and Jeffries are “centrists.”

The first order of business, the VERY first bill, will be something to improve the voting system: automatic voter registration, a check on citizens united, re-strengthen the voting rights act, set up independent redistricting committees, and close loopholes in government ethics (ie forcing candidates to show tax

HAHA SNL is not funny! Like my status please!

Not every skit needs to make a statement, it’s okay for them to just be funny.

So is your comment, so I guess we’re even?

I did not see that coming.