Montana Matt

what? reasonable? you think it is ok to be an innocent man standing still doing nothing and get dragged to the floor and handcuffed because you look like someone that did not commit a crime either ?

“reasonable takedown” of an innocent man, who was standing still, minding his own business. There is no “reasonable” takedown here. You fucking idiot.

What about that was reasonable or controlled?

That was a reasonable controlled takedown? How is that more reasonable than say, just putting cuffs on him after he grabbed his arm and Blake didn’t resist? This is the exact problem. There is nothing ever reasonable about any type of takedown when no such action is necessary.

How is this a reasonable take down of a non-violent, non-fleeing, and, it turns out, completely un fucking related person?! (Remember, cops eventually admitted that even the supposed look-alike wasn’t actually a suspect).

Pretty reasonable, seriously? You need mental help.

My favorite part of this story is the part where Huckabee has absolutely no motherfucking idea who Dred Scott was.

A couple thoughts.

Why not? Even though we measure data in gigabytes and not kilobytes these days, there’s something to be said about the elegance and efficiency of reducing the signal-to-noise ratio of an image. Beyond using a lesser amount of memory, the new logo communicates all the same things (simple, ubiquitous, understated) and

Yes, because not everyone lives in a place with unlimited data. Plus little bits of data add up very quickly. If Google can make this improvement not only is it better for the user but also for them and their servers.

you better shut up and serve

You seem like the kind of person who’s unknowingly ingested gallons of bodily effluvia & floor sweepings over the years.

You clearly have no idea how shifts work at cheapass restaurants. Here is how my job works:

I’m certain that attaching the card to the wallet via rubber band instead of something more secure was absolutely intentional.

Not funny at all. He got what he deserved. No more, no less.

The “drop ID in the mail” thing is technically true, in that the post office treats the ID as non-mail found in the mailbox and makes an effort to return it to the owner. At the library we regularly get packages of library books that someone dropped in a mailbox, and with only the library stamps as a guide, they’ll

Ah. After the last the last couple of weeks, these stories are sooooo satisfying. This:

It’s sad to find out the people who are supposed to serve and protect are gross morons who call women fucking bitches and talk about their tits and ass when they can keep that shit to themselves like adults at work. And not hanging up the phone is just the moron icing on the moron cake. But you keep going, dear.

It wasn’t “private time,” though. It was “being paid by the public” time.

“My husband and I are vegan. My daughter is vegetarian and both of them are allergic to gluten, lactose, shellfish, soya, onions, peppers and GM foods.” I’m assuming the kids survive on eating air, then. Assuming it’s not red air, cause they’d probably be allergic to that too.