Montana Matt

Don’t worry, buddy. President Trump will pardon you. He knows that we shouldn’t punish people for being good businessmen.

What possible quid could GWB give for UBS’ quo? Or maybe your theory is that UBS just hired Bush to provide cover for the Clinton payoff.

Covering one’s eyes/ears is exactly what you are doing when you keep repeating the $1.5M UBS thing without also acknowledging that the speeches were part of a series of joint appearances with GWB.

Most of that was from a joint appearances with G.W. Bush. Was Bush in on the scam as well?

“Dr. Stein’s strength is her science and medical background.”

“Continually used her public role to profit financially via insider trading and pay to play.”

Stein’s entire campaign is a smear campaign.

I’m not sure some of the rats I’ve seen in the subway don’t qualify.

There is no such thing, and never has been. A good example of this is the fact that you think that a woman who has literally spent the bulk of her career since law school focusing on children’s issues doesn’t actually care about children. One can be both ambitious and care about the the world. So when you say

Ok, well good luck with that.

You really think they do it to the same degree?

The content is pure conservative. If he uses a icon (maybe ironically) that trumps the actual content?

I was too. It was a pain in the ass, but quitting was the best thing I’ve ever done.

Meme’s are the only form of news that conservatives can understand. They have an entire network that just feeds them memes and chain emails in video form.

I said “pushed for.” I didn’t say she was a senator at the time. I was offering evidence to counter whatever uninformed soul said she was evil.

I think they’re defending the rule of law.

A news reporter that was a high school dropout with no prior background in hacking managed to crack into her server before it was completely taken down. Large parts of it are still on the net thanks to the idiotic way it was put together and dismantled. Reem after reem of documents that had to be redacted before

I don’t think she is. I just think it’s silly to think that being an academic or a peanut farmer, followed by a few years of being governor, equates to 12 years of service at the national level.