Montana Matt

Given that they covered for Hastert for decades? Probably.

This was false. Where do you get this nonsense?

Disagree. The reason that this has dragged out for 3+ years is because the GOP decided to make a poor-but-common practice look like the crime of the century.

No. She didn’t. Like most of the other nonsense you guys have thrown at her, this is unsupported smoke machine garbage.

“Rapefugees”? Jesus, you are a terrible human.

That didn’t actually happen. Receiving emails from != working for.

Wilson was a governor for 2 years, Carter for 4. That beats 8 years as senator and 4 as SoS?

Yeah, they were non-critically reporting the nonsense from Clinton Cash. This story has been ripped to shreds by the actual facts.

There is no “Russian Uranium scandal.” She was one vote among a number of officials. And the “information” about Huma is the same stuff they’ve been saying since 2008. You don’t think that anybody had reported on her mom’s journal before?

Watergate was one party breaking into the other party’s files to dig up dirt. You really think that Clinton is the analog this cycle?

I don’t know what made you think that the Clinton Foundation laundered money. Because there is literally zero evidence to that effect.

Hillary Clinton wasn’t disbarred. Where do you get this nonsense? Chain emails?

Evil? Explain. Because she’s only ever pushed for thinks like SCHIP and Head Start.

Yeah, you’re going to have to explain this. There’s a big jump between the digital equivalent of leaving sensitive documents in your car and being full-on mafia.

Anybody who is anti-free trade doesn’t get to call themselves a progressive. Unless you think the 19th Century is still ahead of us.

Including Nemesis?

I honestly think that some of the best comics have been written in the last few years. Everything Hickman did for Marvel was gold (I really loved Secret Wars, even if I know that opinion is not universally shared). Slott’s run (with a few miscues) on ASM has been really great.


And Galactus! She beat Galactus with diplomacy.

Neither of these make sense.