Montana Matt

Thank you! Overall, I’ve felt that CWII has been quite good (better than the first, anyway), but I have not liked how they’ve handled Captain Marvel at all. Here’s my crackpot theory: When KSD found out about what Marvel had planned, she decided to end her run, rather than see Carol turn into the villain in an Orwell

Wow, this video is absolutely a better primer on how the economy works then my economics education and decade of practicing securities litigation. Gosh, I wish I would have seen this before I spent all that time reading Keynes and Schumpeter. This totally explains why employment is in the gutter.

Fine. A term used by white supremacists...and one lone Hispanic somewhere in America.

In addition to your alt-right bs, you don’t seem to know how economics work. Boy, that industrial revolution sure did make everybody unemployed, huh?! Automation has been happening for a while now; have you seen the employment numbers lately?

Here’s a clue: If you use the term SJW, you are are almost certainly an alt-righter. It’s simply not believable that a “left-leaning Democrat” would adopt the language used by white supremacists unless they have been living in a hole for the last few years.

Fuck. Yes.

Yes, but how many non-technical employees does FB have. Thousands?

The article seems to talk about all of FB, not just the programmers.

USA != Japan or Korea. What is your point?

“They’d rather be a gansta, do a sport, sing or act.”

“How you act and interact with other is hardly relevant to your gender or race.”

Go back to your alt-right cave with this SJW stuff. There has been progress because of the laws, not in spite of them. And as long as people like you are around, the laws are still necessary.

The “majority” uses neo-nazi buzzwords?

That could explain why most video games appeal to about 1/20th of the population, and why the industry seems to put out the same games over and over again.

“I just don’t think it’s the job of the company to prove that they aren’t discriminating.”

I don’t think they are saying that the company is being blatantly racist, I think they are saying that their policies have a disparate impact.

I like this answer.

What exactly does “the best people” mean? You have to look at the macro. The set of characteristics a white male decides the “best people” have may not be the same set of requirements chosen by an Asian female, or any other demographic. That means that the company is at risk of groupthink, which can cripple a company.

SJW is what the alt-right calls anybody who cares about equality.

It’s insane. Her times in a couple of her events would have been the world record for men as late as the 70's.