Montana Matt

This is a good idea. Just have her origin story be an after-the-credits scene at the end of Infinity

I’m obnoxiously patriotic all the time, and I’m liberal as hell.

This makes me wish there was Patreon for comments.

“Which candidate will kill the least amount of people?”

People live in the present tense. Uber provides them with money for right now. They’ll (hopefully) find a way to earn money elsewhere later.

What about if you do vacinnate your kids and they develop autism in a family with no previous history of the illness? Does that mean you should be given discounts on healthcare that was likely directly responsible for your childs degenerative illness? Just checking if we are on the same page here.

Right? I remember driving from MT to TX for college, and having to use a giant atlas spread out in the passenger seat. And trying to figure out a city address was a 20 minute affair. I love the future.

I know. I felt the same way when cars were invented, and the buggy manufacturers went out of business.

Good to hear. This is exactly the type of investment that we need. Even if they don’t achieve their stated goal of driverless Ubers, the advances will still be useful.

The max out-of-pocket (not deductible, which is generally muchlower) is $6,600 for an individual and $13,200 for a family. So you are lying.

Did you use your real name?

Did you see what he wrote?

Who are you?

Let’s hope so.

I think this is a great idea, if one could adjust their setting so that they only interact with verified users, rather than anonymous hatebots.

Wanting to share =! hating white people.

Here’s what I’ve always wanted to see: an entire season of two doctors. Namely, if the showrunners know that one doctor is on his way out, then introduce his replacement in the first episode, and have them travel together as each other’s companions. The first doctor KNOWS that his time is running short, the second

So we’re making a deal to honor certain search warrants. How this this an issue again?
