Montana Matt

And thus ended the Kim dynasty, as Jong-Un’s Korean Peninsula permanently became a demilitarized zone.

Yeah, me too. Hence the “on bored.” Today has been rough.

Oh yeah, my bad. I read the initial question wrong. I read it as asking if antibiotics and hormones being more harmful than raw milk.

That’s not what this link says.

The Bush Doctrine screws things up again!

I mean, they do want to do that.

I disagree with this. Most Marvel characters could easily switch ethnicities. Johnny Storm is the obvious example here. As much as people complained about it last year, there was no reason whatsoever that Torch needed to be white, as his race is not an essential part of the character. By that same token, Johnny Storm

This is exactly who I pictured as I read the book. Excellent news.

Look, all this video shows is that another member of a “certain demographic” has entitlement issues and problems with impulse control. We should stop with this PC bullshit and just recognize that this demographic is a drag on the pocketbooks and patience of true patriots. Things were much better off before they got


This is a really good idea.

There are dogs on every plane?

I am pleasantly surprised to see that we’re 78 replies into an ag article, and the anti-science crowd is nowhere to be seen.

This isn’t Survey Monkey, this is Pew. An posted questionnaire has no statistical usefulness, an actual survey does. And I don’t think you know what “margin of error” means. You should take a statistics class; they’re actually pretty interesting.

What, pray tell, would be the proper sample size in your mind?

I can see now why some people have a hard time finding a mate.

I love sandwiches.

And while you’re at it, get off my lawn!

Exactly this. I definitely would have tried this kind of stunt as a teenager.

I have no idea what gender you are. But you are really angry for no reason.