Montana Matt

You’re too angry about this. Nobody’s shitting on anybody at the candidate level. The people unjustly shitting on others are the supporters that accuse candidates of corruption by saying things like “I think you forgot taking in hundreds of millions from Saudi donors to her “foundation” while they were/are lobbying

How would it harm her?

Yeah. One doesn’t stop anti-science nutcases through silence.

None of those things had the weight of scientific evidence behind them. There are 400+ peer-reviewed studies in favor of GMO safety. Your anti-science crowd has how many again?

I’ve actually read exactly that.

I can post articles too! But I’m not going to rhyme, because I’m an adult.

First, Roundup and neonicotinoids don’t have anything to do with each other. Roundup is far less toxic than traditional pesticides. Second, neonicotinoids aren’t “sprayed” on any crop. Seeds are pre-treated with the insecticide, whether they are transgenic or not. “GM soy” is not the main use, as less than a third of

I see you’ve been doubling down elsewhere on your defense of use of the c-word. Aren’t you still in probation for another few months for something similar in the real world? I’m not sure it’s in your best interest to be commenting here.

We’ve seen the results. That’s what the charts above are: more food on less land. That means fewer and safer pesticides.

As I said, I don’t have a specific opinion on TPP. But Sanders voted to withdraw from the WTO, and voted against every major trade deal he’s encountered. This is not “general support of free trade.”

Trade deals are generally good for everyone, as nearly every economist will tell you. This is a huge part of my lack of support for Sanders. I don’t have a specific opinion on TPP, but Sanders hasn’t supported a single major trade bill during his time in office. That hurts the average American.

I’m not talking about Chinese high school graduates. The mean years of schooling in the U.S. is 12.9. The mean years of schooling in China is 7.5 (up from 3.7 35 years ago, which is why China isn’t really making t-shirts anymore). And yes, the comparative advantage is wages, but wages are only relevant to the consumer

Your response didn’t actually have any policy in it:

You mean like this?:

I was responding to “If your goal is to maintain or increase domestic production, then protectionism has been proven to work.” That reads like net gains to me.

You can’t control Americans, but you can learn to live in the world. One more GamerGate level screed like this again, and I’m going to have to dismiss you. Engage civilly.

You responded to “bro” with “cunt.” This isn’t remotely proportional.

If you majored in economics (I did too), you should know that protectionism doesn’t actually increase domestic production. Per the OECD:

EXACTLY. Honestly, I wish there was a way to weed out burner accounts in favor of people who want to actually engage on a topic.

Not this Hillary supporter. I’m not voting for Bernie because it’s clear that he doesn’t understand the very thing he wants to regulate (Glass-Steagall is anachronistic, and he completely dismisses the effective Dodd-Frank), and because he has voted against every major trade agreement of the last 20 years, in spite of