Montana Matt

I’ll argue both those things, because they flamethrowing nonsense. She supports Dodd-Frank (and is actually campaigning on substantive improvements) while Bernie keeps repeating “Glass Steagall” as if that actually meant something (hint: it doesn’t). She made a huge mistake with the Iraq vote, but she also supports

Nice, coming from the guy who’s been using a burner as a flamethrower for the last hour? You know that we can see your comment history, right?


Ok, I’m not a Bernie supporter, but this is troll-level nonsense here.

Or the nominee for people who like poise and don’t like protectionism.

That’s because he hasn’t had the full weight of the GOP attack machine lobbied against him yet. Do you really think that Sanders will have the same poise that Clinton did when sitting through the Gowdy Benghazi hearings?

I mean, she is from Alaska.

I hereby declare this article to be dumb.

This demonstrates how GMOs can be counted among the most environmentally friendly advancements of the last 50 years.

Willie was the best.

Counterpoint: Yes it does.

Pro tip: Read your own comment. I’m saying that drawing a gun escalates, and certainly doesn’t “make everybody compliant.” And your brother doesn’t even live in the community he “serves,” but chose an area for more action? He sounds like a violence junkie, and certainly no hero. He should not be on the force.

He gets into a physical altercation once a week? Then he should learn some de-escalation skills. Hint: drawing your weapon doesn’t exactly calm most people down.

She’s on Celebrity Big Brother because she was married to someone famous 30 years ago. I’m not sure that she’s the blameless party here.

Secret Wars was amazing, but almost everything post-“reset” has been disappointing. Except The Visions. Go read that book now.

It makes absolutely no sense that Spider-Man and defense attorney She-Hulk would be on the pro-precog side.

If there were power for a gas station 15 miles away, why would there not be power for a power connection 15 miles away?

Gas pumps don’t work in a power outage either...

Not green enough, no. We want people to use less gas; taxing it should do that.
