Montana Matt

Why? So that you are use more environmental resources to grow less food?

The Precautionary Principle: Science for people who don’t understand science.

I’m not sure you know how science works. There was never a mass of peer-reviewed literature stating that lead in gasoline was fine, or that cigarettes were safe. There was just an absence of research. That’s not the case here.

There are hundreds of companies involved with this, and GMOs for all different climates/needs. This concern is overblown.

Yeah! Who needs all that science, anyway. Next I hope they stop serving food made by Libras. Or at least label it.

Wait, what’s “common sense”? The GMOs we use for food production have been proven to be completely safe.

Actually, no. The mix of corn in this country would change, but for the most part, GMOs provide more food using less resources. That’s a good thing.

Yep. Isn’t it nice that we can take just the genes we want and not worry about the negative side effects that breeding programs can bring?

This says nothing about an actual monopoly. This just is just a hit piece questioning whether or not seeds should be patented (which they have been since 1930).

Amen. I like Chipotle, but this kind of pandering makes me want to avoid them.

If this were a question about the worst fans...

If this were a question about the worst fans...

What is a “pre-born child”? I mean, I know what fetuses are, and embryos, but I’ve never heard of a “pre-born child.” Possibly because such a thing doesn’t exist.

Abortion is a human rights struggle, but definitely not in the way that you are thinking. Every woman should have access to this procedure.

Why gold?

Why would gold or diamonds hold any value for you?

And others used their religion to fuel the Klan. How do you think they’d divide politically now?

Crime started to go down during the first year of the Dinkins administration, but yes, Giuliani and Bloomberg increased that drop. But there is more to NY than just crime, and Bloomberg isn’t exactly an Alabama Republican (Giuliani was a terrible mayor outside of crime issues).

I’m not really sure that a few tens of thousand of dollars on a video intended to save far more in unnecessary travel actually counts as “gobs.”

You are aware that this didn’t actually happen, right.

This is absurd. Maybe you don’t know what an audit is?