Montana Matt

Wow, those are complete nonsense. I mean, they really have nothing to do with reality or law.

You know that’s a conservative shill site, right?

I think you’re misreading my comment...I was replying to Reub’s comment of “spend spend spend tax tax tax,” which in turn was a response to my comment about inadequate IRS funding. Neither the amount of spending nor the amount of taxing are in any way the result of IRS actions. “Taxing and spending” are not IRS

None of which is relevant to the functioning of the IRS.

The Democrats didn’t gut the budget. We wouldn’t be complaining because it wouldn’t have happened.

Yeah, NYC is such a dump compared to Crapville, Alabama.

I’m as liberal as they come, but the corporate tax rate should be 0%. It’s a stupid, counterproductive tax. Increase the capital gains tax to make up for it.

You mean like underfunding the IRS?

How was the play? I might want to see it.

So terrible.

You clearly didn’t watch the last decade, because it was really good for a really long time, and it’s finding it’s footing again after the cast exodus a few years ago.

More, more, more!!!

For the Mississippi person? Probably. But you set a threshold that is kind of close to one of the 50 states, ignoring the rest. I'm not even sure what your point is. I'm saying that the middle class is the class in the middle. Why is this even an argument?

Yeah, that's more than your threshold.

Mississippi's middle class threshold is higher than $25K. See chart. And for a family of four, this is still above the actual poverty rate.

There is no state on this list where $25K is considered middle class.

If you think this is poor, then I don't think you know what poor actually looks like.

Are you a troll, or do you really not know the law?

What? The stopping distance for a bike is way shorter than that of a car. And if you door somebody in a bike lane, you’re pretty much automatically at fault.

I want to define middle class as the class in the middle.