
“point that the school needed better security to protect the kids from a mass shooting.”

This is more like the Clint Eastwood Richard Jewell movie inventing a scene where the reporter in the Jewell case (a real person, now dead) sleeps with her source (a fictional composite character), than the vague “It’s bad witches are villains in movies, because bad stuff happened to witches for real, man.” It’s

Yeah, this seems like the prime situation where you’d buy the rights to the Warrens’ books, forego the “based on a true story,change the names of the protagonists (Edith and Larry Ward sounds nice, I think), and slap a bunch of disclaimers on everything saying “Fiction! This is fiction, right here!”

Oh, wait, which Deadspin Naomi-Hate article?

Yes, Ridgeline is not the answer.  Honda is way too proud of that thing.  I like having a truck because I do a lot of home improvement and my wife has a small furniture refinishing business. I hate owning a full-size truck, it is a ridiculous waste for what we’re using it for. I’ve looked around for old Toyotas,

Yeah, she’s getting investigated by the SEC in her future.

If the US had  gained control of Vancouver, where would the CW film its shows? It really makes you think. A powerful historical “what-if”

The fact that an Irish man called on British authorities to menace a farmer who was protecting his potatoes is irony wrapped in a second layer of irony and then deep-fried in piping hot molten irony.

You can tell its a Texan home because there are as many garages as there are bedrooms.  

I have a personal favor to ask each and everyone of you, and also pass this along to anyone you know.  Noone tell the people on YT crying about “wehman in muh vidja gaymes!!1" that you don’t HAVE to play as her.  Let them continue thinking she’s the only playable character, and then when they DO find out, watch them

He confused hating his hometown with being a liberal.

It’s really weird that Outriders isn’t a live service game, yet continually runs into issues that you would normally only associate with live service titles.

In the early 2010’s, I was caught up in the hype, bought in for a specific pirating ship model (the Cutlass) because of talks about tractor beams, docking rings, pvp ship boarding, ship mass and handling, thruster location, gunner pod fields of view, cargo capacity, etc etc... I’m their target sucker, I didn’t care if

Here’s what I’m really curious about: What is this mysterious country that is apparently going to emerge within the next year, somehow also qualify for the 2022 World Cup, AND take Brazil to a 3-3 draw?

You’re too late.

If, though, there’s a Cruella sequel in which John Wick shows up to avenge the puppies, count me in.

I, for one, am absolutely pumped for this attempt to make me like a character whose only claim to fame is a desire to kill puppies.

This was a pretty fucking stupid idea for a movie.

I think the problem more is that people that get ‘cancelled’ usually double down on their views or paint themselves as the victim. they get so caught up in how it reflects on them that they never consider how their views reflect on the people they harmed. 

Yeah, I was honestly torn on the grade. I would say it’s a B- for fans (maybe a B for someone who’s REALLY in the tank for it), a C for skeptics, averaging out to a C+ for your garden variety movie-enjoyer who might not follow the SAGA but has seen at least a few of them and had fun. I’m a fan, but not thumbs up on