
I’ve watched these kinds of shows for years and I can honestly say I wouldn’t trust the vast majority of TV contractors to build a chicken coop, much less renovate my home. The whole “they’re moving in in six hours!” drama while they have another two weeks of work to do tells be the quality is going to be slipshod at

I’m truly, genuinely, honestly surprised that Star Citizen hasn’t start releasing NFT’s of their ships*

*After I finished typing that, but before I hit publish, I had to verify that they had not, in fact, released NFT’s of their ships

Why aren’t they working on GTA6?

That’s still a step above the Belgian comics version of Interpol, in which the same two bumbling detectives follow around a young newspaper reporter and arrest whoever he catches.

Yeah, this is the Hollywood version of INTERPOL, which is some sort of global overarching police agency that is only what certain people either wish, or fear, it really was.

And I was today years old when I learned that “Lovely Bunch of Coconuts” was not made up for the movie. 

Bill Watterson showed people the responsible way to do it, though: if you want a big cat as a pet, get a stuffed toy and _imagine_ it’s real. It’s not his fault if real people are less responsible than the character he created to be comically irresponsible.

IMO Josie And The Pussycats is one of those “unfairly dismissed at the time, now kind of overrated” films, like The Cable Guy and Jennifer’s Body (and, in another genre, The Rocketeer). It’s a little clever, but boy does it know it. It’s quite funny, but it has a lot of cloying and hacky jokes too (“ha ha Tara Reid

Yes, I’m old too, but this group and singer seem fairly marginal from an objective standard — there are only 19 hits for “Rhye” on the AV Club (including this story) and 12 for “Milosh” (again including this story, and 100% overlapping with the hits for “Rhye”), the group’s last two albums don’t appear to have charted

The pain is how you know it's working. 

They probably won’t go to court. Unfortunately, this is the way the entertainment industry works. The studio promises you money. The studio finds some technicality not to give you what they promised. You negotiate about it in good faith for a while. Eventually you realize the studio is not negotiating in good faith.

Yeah, the lesbian period film genre is so saturated that Saturday Night Live is making jokes about it, and none of them are particularly good at actually demonstrating what it was like to be LGBT in those eras.*

I think people are so used to treating history as a continual progression from “bad” to “good” (or at least

We have court records from Plymouth Colony concerning what they regarded as improper sexual behavior:

Travolta is too old at this point.

I still don’t understand why Clive Owen was cast when I know Ryan Murphy has John Travolta’s number! I mean, you have access to the star of “Primary Colors,” and you don’t fucking use him!?  What the fuck!!!!?

From what I’ve seen so far he doesn’t have Clinton’s charm and magnetism, either, and is being portrayed as another entitled humorless scumbag in power.

As far as me and my friends are concerned Halo is THE co-op shooter.  Not having it at launch is a huge fumble.  I’m generally optimistic on XBox and think they have done a lot of things correctly this gen, but how many times can they drop the ball on their flagship title?  Get it together, MS!

“Owen’s many conquests”, was he involved in some sort of high-stakes RISK tourney?

Future headline:

The problem is that if the CEO of a publically traded company lies to his shareholders, he might go to jail.